I am planning to use this to poll a database which can take close to 10-15 minutes or more, so should I be using timers for this.


7 回答 7


If you want the task to complete quickly but what you need to do actually takes longer, you could split it up into two pieces. Have one that runs when the Timer fires, so you get things happening at the right time, but then defer the serious processing to another function (say, in a different thread) that can take as long as it needs. From the API, the problem with Timer tasks taking too long is that they hog the thread, possibly delaying subsequent tasks, so moving the time-consuming processing to another thread should avoid that problem. To answer the question in your title, "quickly" would mean "it should finish before the Timer needs to fire again".

于 2008-12-05T04:26:54.787 回答

I'm assuming you talking about the java.util.Timer, not the Swing specific ones?

If I remember correctly, that timer simply defers execution to a single background thread that essentially serves every timer instance in the JVM, so the problem could be that one timer hogs that thread for every other timer.

So quickly would depend on the rest of your application and whether you use other timers.

Generally, I avoid using it for anything serious, or I just have it spawn a new thread.

于 2008-12-05T04:20:38.073 回答


于 2008-12-05T04:37:44.267 回答


当然,您可以拥有多个Timers,并TimerTask适当地分配您的 s。

于 2008-12-05T13:07:09.913 回答

The timer TASK should execute quickly, the polling interval is irrelevant to its usage. Make sure you aren't confusing the two.

于 2008-12-05T04:24:48.783 回答



于 2008-12-05T11:29:37.383 回答

The answer is, it depends. If you are only going to have this one polling task run, and the interval is more than sufficient for each run to finish before the next one begins, then this solutions will work fine.

The problem is when there is more than one TimeTask on the same Timer, since they execute sequentially on the same thread. Therefore a long running task would cause the other tasks to wait for long periods of time, which defeats the purpose of creating timed tasks.

There are better solutions for the more complex scenario in the java.util.concurrent package as well as other libraries like Quartz.

于 2008-12-05T14:32:27.683 回答