
我目前正在尝试进行文字冒险,但在房间导航方面遇到了困难。它是 4 x 4 - 总共 16 个房间。就游戏的界面和整体故事而言,它仍在主要建设中,我只是在外壳上编写代码以获取功能。我计划使用门和锁任务,但我必须先确保我能正确导航。

我的问题是游戏从第 12 个房间开始,向西导航正常,就像向东或向西导航在第 12 个房间以西的房间一样,依此类推。但是,如果玩家向北走,它会导航到与地图上完全不同的房间。


这是游戏地图,仅供参考。从第 12 个房间开始,玩家应该可以输入“north”并直接进入第 8 个房间。相反,它似乎进入了第 9 个房间。向东将成功将他们带入第 13 个房间。



    <!doctype html>

<img src="" width="300" height="267">
<p id="output"></p>
<input id="input" type="text" placeholder="Enter your action…"> 


//Create the map
var map = [];

map[0] = "Graveyard";
map[1] = "Coffin Room";
map[2] = "Monster Party";
map[3] = "Spacious Room";
map[4] = "Burned Room";
map[5] = "Ghost Room";
map[6] = "Empty Room";
map[7] = "Catacombs";
map[8] = "Cluttered Room";
map[9] = "Spider Room";
map[10] = "Dressing Room"; 
map[11] = "Front Door and Entrance Hall";
map[12] = "Closet";
map[13] = "Very Dark Room";
map[14] = "Kitchen";
map[15] = "Gate";

// create a two dimensional array to store path movement for each room
var mapPath = [];
mapPath[0] = [false, true, true, false];
mapPath[1] = [false, true, true, true];
mapPath[2] = [false, true, true, true];
mapPath[3] = [false, true, false, true];
mapPath[4] = [true, true, true, false];
mapPath[5] = [true, true, true, true];
mapPath[6] = [true, true, true, true];
mapPath[7] = [true, true, false, true];
mapPath[8] = [true, true, true, false];
mapPath[9] = [true, true, true, true];
mapPath[10] = [true, true, true, true];
mapPath[11] = [true, true, false, true];
mapPath[12] = [true, false, true, false];
mapPath[13] = [true, false, true, true];
mapPath[14] = [true, false, true, true];
mapPath[15] = [true, false, false, true];

//Set the player's start location
var mapLocation = 12;

//Set the images
var images = [];

images[0] = "";
images[1] = "";
images[2] = "";
images[3] = "";
images[4] = "";
images[5] = "";
images[6] = "";
images[7] = "";
images[8] = "";

//Set the blocked path messages
var blockedPathMessages = [];

blockedPathMessages[0] = "It's too dangerous to move that way.";
blockedPathMessages[1] = "A mysterious force holds you back.";
blockedPathMessages[2] = "A tangle of thorns blocks your way.";
blockedPathMessages[3] = "You can't step over the dragon.";
blockedPathMessages[4] = "The terrain is too rocky that way.";
blockedPathMessages[5] = "The gate locks shut.";
blockedPathMessages[6] = "The river is too deep to cross.";
blockedPathMessages[7] = "The trees are too thick to pass.";
blockedPathMessages[8] = "You're too scared to go that way.";

//Create the objects and set their locations
var items = ["stone"];
var itemLocations = [6];

//An array to store what the player is carrying
var backpack = [];

//Initialize the player's input
var playersInput = "";

//Initialize the gameMessage
var gameMessage = "";

//Create an array of actions the game understands
//and a variable to store the current action
var actionsIKnow 
  = ["north", "east", "south", 
     "west", "take", "use", "drop"];
var action = "";

//An array of items the game understands
//and a variable to store the current item
var itemsIKnow = ["flute", "stone", "sword"];
var item = "";

//The img element
var image = document.querySelector("img");

//The input and output fields
var output = document.querySelector("#output");
var input = document.querySelector("#input");

//The button
var button = document.querySelector("button");
button.style.cursor = "pointer";
button.addEventListener("click", clickHandler, false);

window.addEventListener("keydown", keyHandler, false);

//Dispay the player's location

function keyHandler(event) {
    if (event.keyCode === 13) {

function clickHandler() {

function playGame() {
    //Get the player's input and convert it to lowercase
    playersInput = input.value;
    playersInput = playersInput.toLowerCase();

    //Reset these variables from the previous turn
    gameMessage = "";
    action = "";

    //Figure out the player's action
    for (i = 0; i < actionsIKnow.length; i++) {
        if (playersInput.indexOf(actionsIKnow[i]) !== -1) {
            action = actionsIKnow[i];
            console.log("player's action: " + action);

    //Figure out the item the player wants
    for (i = 0; i < itemsIKnow.length; i++) {
        if (playersInput.indexOf(itemsIKnow[i]) !== -1) {
            item = itemsIKnow[i];
            console.log("player's item: " + item);

    //Choose the correct action
    switch(action) {
        case "north":
            if (mapPath[mapLocation][0]) {
                mapLocation -= 3;
            } else {
                gameMessage = blockedPathMessages[mapLocation];

        case "east":
            if (mapPath[mapLocation][2]) {
                mapLocation += 1;
            } else {
                gameMessage = blockedPathMessages[mapLocation];

        case "south":
            if (mapPath[mapLocation][1]) {
                mapLocation += 3;
            } else {
                gameMessage = blockedPathMessages[mapLocation];

        case "west":
            if (mapPath[mapLocation][3]) {
                mapLocation -= 1;
            } else {
                gameMessage = blockedPathMessages[mapLocation];

        case "take":

        case "drop":

        case "use":

            gameMessage = "I don't understand that.";
    //Render the game

function takeItem() {
    //Find the index number of the item in the items array
    var itemIndexNumber = items.indexOf(item);

    //Does the item exist in the game world
    //and is it at the player's current location?
    if (itemIndexNumber !== -1 && itemLocations[itemIndexNumber] === mapLocation) {
        gameMessage = "You take the " + item + ".";

        //Add the item to the player's backpack 

        //Remove the item from the game world
        items.splice(itemIndexNumber, 1);
        itemLocations.splice(itemIndexNumber, 1);

        //Display in the console for testing
        console.log("World items: " + items);
        console.log("backpack items: " + backpack);
    } else {
        //Message if you try and take an item
        //that isn't in the current location
        gameMessage = "You can't do that.";

function dropItem() {
    //Try to drop the item only if the backpack isn't empty
    if (backpack.length !== 0) {
        //Find the item's array index number in the backpack
        var backpackIndexNumber = backpack.indexOf(item);

        //The item is in the backpack if backpackIndex number isn't -1
        if (backpackIndexNumber !== -1) {

            //Tell the player that the item has been dropped
            gameMessage = "You drop the " + item + ".";

            //Add the item from the backpack to the game world 

            //Remove the item from the player's backpack 
            backpack.splice(backpackIndexNumber, 1);
        } else {
            //Message if the player tries to drop
            //something that's not in the backpack
            gameMessage = "You can't do that.";
    } else {
        //Message if the backpack is empty
        gameMessage = "You're not carrying anything.";

function useItem() {
    //1. Find out if the item is in the backpack

    //Find the item's array index number in the backpack
    var backpackIndexNumber = backpack.indexOf(item);

    //If the index number is -1, then it isn't in the backpack.
    //Tell the player that he or she isn't carrying it.
    if (backpackIndexNumber === -1) {
        gameMessage = "You're not carrying it.";

    //If there are no items in the backpack, then
    //tell the player the backpack is empty
    if (backpack.length === 0) {
        gameMessage += " Your backpack is empty";

    //2. If the item is found in the backpack
    //figure out what to do with it
    if (backpackIndexNumber !== -1) {
        switch(item) {
            case "flute":
                if(mapLocation === 8) {
                    gameMessage = "Beautiful music fills the air.";
                    gameMessage += "A wizend old man steps outside " 
                    gameMessage += "and hands you a sword!";

                    //Add the sword to the world
                } else {
                    gameMessage = "You try and play the flute " 
                    gameMessage += "but it makes no sound here.";

            case "sword":
                if(mapLocation === 3) {
                    gameMessage = "You swing the sword and slay the dragon! ";
                    gameMessage += "You've saved the forest of Lyrica!";
                } else {
                    gameMessage = "You swing the sword listlessly.";

            case "stone":
                if(mapLocation === 1) {
                    gameMessage = "You drop the stone in the well.";
                    gameMessage += " A magical flute appears!";

                    //Remove the stone from the player's backpack 
                    backpack.splice(backpackIndexNumber, 1);

                    //Add the flute to the world
                } else {
                    gameMessage = "You fumble with the stone in your pocket.";

function render() {
    //Render the location
    output.innerHTML = map[mapLocation] + "<br>";
    image.src = "images/" + images[mapLocation];

    // display the directions the user can travel
    for (var i = 0; i < mapPath[mapLocation].length; i++) {
        if (mapPath[mapLocation][i]) {
            switch (i) {
                case 0:
                    output.innerHTML += "A path leads north<br>"
                case 1:
                    output.innerHTML += "A path leads south<br>"
                case 2:
                    output.innerHTML += "A path leads east<br>"
                case 3:
                    output.innerHTML += "A path leads west<br>"

    //Display an item if there's one in this location
    //1. Loop through all the game items
    for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
        //Find out if there's an item at this location
        if (mapLocation === itemLocations[i]) {
            //Display it
            output.innerHTML += "<br>You see a <strong>" + items[i] + "</strong> here.";

    //Display the game message
    output.innerHTML += "<br><em>" + gameMessage + "</em>";

    //Display the player's backpack contents
    if (backpack.length !== 0) {
        output.innerHTML += "<br>You are carrying: " + backpack.join(", ");  

    input.value = "";



1 回答 1


你的问题就在这里,你真的应该移动 4,而不是 3。

case "north":
    if (mapPath[mapLocation][0]) {
        mapLocation -= 3;    // CHANGE THIS TO -= 4

同样,当向“南”移动时,你会想增加 4。想想看,12 - 3 给你 9,但 12 的房间“北”是 8。

于 2015-12-15T05:24:18.890 回答