
Dataset Domain  Score   Sent1   Sent2
STS2012-gold    surprise.OnWN   5.000   render one language in another language restate (words) from one language into another language.
STS2012-gold    surprise.OnWN   3.250   nations unified by shared interests, history or institutions    a group of nations having common interests.
STS2012-gold    surprise.OnWN   3.250   convert into absorbable substances, (as if) with heat or chemical process   soften or disintegrate by means of chemical action, heat, or moisture.
STS2012-gold    surprise.OnWN   4.000   devote or adapt exclusively to an skill, study, or work devote oneself to a special area of work.
STS2012-gold    surprise.OnWN   3.250   elevated wooden porch of a house    a porch that resembles the deck on a ship.


import graphlab
sts = graphlab.SFrame.read_csv('sts.csv', delimiter='\t', column_type_hints=[str, str, float, str, str])


PROGRESS: Unable to parse line "STS2012-gold    MSRpar  3.800   "She was crying and scared,' said Isa Yasin, the owner of the store.    "She was crying and she was really scared," said Yasin."
PROGRESS: Unable to parse line "STS2012-gold    MSRpar  2.200   "And about eight to 10 seconds down, I hit. "I was in the water for about eight seconds."
PROGRESS: Unable to parse line "STS2012-gold    MSRpar  2.800   "It's a major victory for Maine, and it's a major victory for other states. The Maine program could be a model for other states."
PROGRESS: Unable to parse line "STS2012-gold    MSRpar  4.000   "Right from the beginning, we didn't want to see anyone take a cut in pay.  But Mr. Crosby told The Associated Press: "Right from the beginning, we didn't want to see anyone take a cut in pay."
PROGRESS: Unable to parse line "STS2014-gold    deft-forum  0.8 "Then the captain was gone. Then the captain came back."
PROGRESS: Unable to parse line "STS2014-gold    deft-forum  1.8 "Oh, you're such a good person! You're such a bad person!""
PROGRESS: Unable to parse line "STS2012-train   MSRpar  3.750   "We put a lot of effort and energy into improving our patching process, probably later than we should have and now we're just gaining incredible speed. "We've put a lot of effort and energy into improving our patching progress, p..."
PROGRESS: Unable to parse line "STS2012-train   MSRpar  4.000   "Tomorrow at the Mission Inn, I have the opportunity to congratulate the governor-elect of the great state of California.   "I have the opportunity to congratulate the governor-elect of the great state of California, and I'm lookin..."
PROGRESS: Unable to parse line "STS2012-train   MSRpar  3.600   "Unlike many early-stage Internet firms, Google is believed to be profitable.   The privately held Google is believed to be profitable."
PROGRESS: Unable to parse line "STS2012-train   MSRpar  4.000   "It was a final test before delivering the missile to the armed forces. State radio said it was the last test before the missile was delivered to the armed forces."
PROGRESS: 22 lines failed to parse correctly
PROGRESS: Finished parsing file /home/alvas/git/stasis/sts.csv
PROGRESS: Parsing completed. Parsed 19075 lines in 0.069578 secs.



sts = graphlab.SFrame.read_csv('sts.csv', delimiter='\t', column_type_hints=[str, str, float, str, str],


RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-15-a1ec53597af9> in <module>()
      1 sts = graphlab.SFrame.read_csv('sts.csv', delimiter='\t', column_type_hints=[str, str, float, str, str],
----> 2                               error_bad_lines=True)

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/graphlab/data_structures/sframe.pyc in read_csv(cls, url, delimiter, header, error_bad_lines, comment_char, escape_char, double_quote, quote_char, skip_initial_space, column_type_hints, na_values, line_terminator, usecols, nrows, skiprows, verbose, **kwargs)
   1537                                   verbose=verbose,
   1538                                   store_errors=False,
-> 1539                                   **kwargs)[0]

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/graphlab/data_structures/sframe.pyc in _read_csv_impl(cls, url, delimiter, header, error_bad_lines, comment_char, escape_char, double_quote, quote_char, skip_initial_space, column_type_hints, na_values, line_terminator, usecols, nrows, skiprows, verbose, store_errors, **kwargs)
   1097                 glconnect.get_client().set_log_progress(False)
   1098             with cython_context():
-> 1099                 errors = proxy.load_from_csvs(internal_url, parsing_config, type_hints)
   1100         except Exception as e:
   1101             if type(e) == RuntimeError and "CSV parsing cancelled" in e.message:

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/graphlab/cython/context.pyc in __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback)
     47             if not self.show_cython_trace:
     48                 # To hide cython trace, we re-raise from here
---> 49                 raise exc_type(exc_value)
     50             else:
     51                 # To show the full trace, we do nothing and let exception propagate

RuntimeError: Runtime Exception. Unable to parse line "STS2012-gold MSRpar  3.800   "She was crying and scared,' said Isa Yasin, the owner of the store.    "She was crying and she was really scared," said Yasin."
Set error_bad_lines=False to skip bad lines


有没有办法在不清理数据的情况下做到这一点(例如,识别有问题的行,然后清理/更正它们,但保留另一个 SFrame 来跟踪清理/更正?

作为健全性检查,如果我们\t在原始 csv 文件中进行搜索,行中有一个选项卡会出现问题,但在graphlab解析它时,它会消失:


作为另一个完整性检查,逐行读取文件并将其拆分\t为整个文件返回 5 列:

alvas@ubi:~/git/stasis$ head sts.csv 
Dataset Domain  Score   Sent1   Sent2
STS2012-gold    surprise.OnWN   5.000   render one language in another language restate (words) from one language into another language.
STS2012-gold    surprise.OnWN   3.250   nations unified by shared interests, history or institutions    a group of nations having common interests.
STS2012-gold    surprise.OnWN   3.250   convert into absorbable substances, (as if) with heat or chemical process   soften or disintegrate by means of chemical action, heat, or moisture.
STS2012-gold    surprise.OnWN   4.000   devote or adapt exclusively to an skill, study, or work devote oneself to a special area of work.
STS2012-gold    surprise.OnWN   3.250   elevated wooden porch of a house    a porch that resembles the deck on a ship.
STS2012-gold    surprise.OnWN   4.000   either half of an archery bow   either of the two halves of a bow from handle to tip.
STS2012-gold    surprise.OnWN   3.333   a removable device that is an accessory to larger object    a supplementary part or accessory.
STS2012-gold    surprise.OnWN   4.750   restrict or confine place limits on (extent or access).
STS2012-gold    surprise.OnWN   0.500   orient, be positioned   be opposite.
alvas@ubi:~/git/stasis$ python
Python 2.7.10 (default, Jun 30 2015, 15:30:23) 
[GCC 4.8.4] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> with open('sts.csv') as fin:
...     for line in fin:
...             print len(line.split('\t'))
...             break

>>> with open('sts.csv') as fin:
...     for line in fin:
...             assert len(line.split('\t')) == 5

更理智地检查它是不是。列中,@papayawarrior 4 列行的示例在我的版本中被正确解析graphlab



STS2012-gold    MSRpar  3.800   "She was crying and scared,' said Isa Yasin, the owner of the store.    "She was crying and she was really scared," said Yasin.
STS2012-gold    MSRpar  2.200   "And about eight to 10 seconds down, I hit. "I was in the water for about eight seconds.
STS2012-gold    MSRpar  2.800   "It's a major victory for Maine, and it's a major victory for other states. The Maine program could be a model for other states.
STS2012-gold    MSRpar  4.000   "Right from the beginning, we didn't want to see anyone take a cut in pay.  But Mr. Crosby told The Associated Press: "Right from the beginning, we didn't want to see anyone take a cut in pay.
STS2012-train   MSRpar  3.750   "We put a lot of effort and energy into improving our patching process, probably later than we should have and now we're just gaining incredible speed. "We've put a lot of effort and energy into improving our patching progress, probably later than we should have.
STS2012-train   MSRpar  4.000   "Tomorrow at the Mission Inn, I have the opportunity to congratulate the governor-elect of the great state of California.   "I have the opportunity to congratulate the governor-elect of the great state of California, and I'm looking forward to it."
STS2012-train   MSRpar  3.600   "Unlike many early-stage Internet firms, Google is believed to be profitable.   The privately held Google is believed to be profitable.
STS2012-train   MSRpar  4.000   "It was a final test before delivering the missile to the armed forces. State radio said it was the last test before the missile was delivered to the armed forces.
STS2012-train   MSRpar  4.750   "The economy, nonetheless, has yet to exhibit sustainable growth.   But the economy hasn't shown signs of sustainable growth.
STS2014-gold    deft-forum  0.8 "Then the captain was gone. Then the captain came back.
STS2014-gold    deft-forum  1.8 "Oh, you're such a good person! You're such a bad person!"
STS2015-gold    answers-forums      "Normal, healthy (physically, nutritionally and mentally) individuals have little reason to worry about accidentally consuming too much water.  It's fine to skip arm specific exercises if you are already happy with how they are progressing without direct exercises.
STS2015-gold    answers-forums  1.40    "The grass family is one of the most widely distributed and abundant groups of plants on Earth. As noted on the Wiki page, grass seed was imported to the new world to improve pasturage for livestock.
STS2015-gold    answers-forums      "God is exactly this Substance underlying who supports, exist independently of, and persist through time changes in material nature.    I'd argue that matter and energy are substances in the category of empirical scientific knowledge.
STS2015-gold    belief      "watching the first fight i saw that manny pacquiao was getting tired, and i wasn't.    at the same time, an asian summit is being held in a tourist resort.
STS2015-gold    belief      "global warming doesn't mean every year will be warmer than the last.   doesn't matter, that will just be obama's fault as well.
STS2015-gold    belief      "the only reason i'm not as confident that there's something about the birth certificate... the conventional view is that the us and ussr fought it out in the body of vietnam.
STS2015-gold    belief      "im not playing these bullshit games... if not get the hell out of there.
STS2015-gold    belief      "that oil is already contaminating our shoreline.   what point are you trying to relay?
STS2015-gold    belief      "we cannot write history with laws. "she's not sitting here" he said.
STS2015-gold    belief      the protest is going well so far.   our request is the same.
STS2015-gold    belief      "for over 20 years, i have illustrated the absurd with absurdity, three hours a day, five days a week.  for the first 1-2 years he hated me going out with my friends.

PROGRESS: ...不是通过从详细消息中反复清除这些行来手动查找这些行,有没有办法在将这些行加载到 Graphlab SFrame 时将其转储出来?


1 回答 1



向@alvas 道歉,我没有看到原始帖子中链接了完整的数据集。所有行中确实有五列,问题似乎是引号不匹配。如果列中没有匹配的引号,SFrameCSV 解析器会感到困惑,因此简短的回答是将引号字符更改为您知道不会出现在数据集中的内容。

import graphlab
sts = graphlab.SFrame.read_csv('sts.csv', delimiter='\t',
                                column_type_hints=[str, str, float, str, str],

这成功地为我读取了所有 19,097 行。

顺便说一句,还有一种SFrame.read_csv_with_errors方法可以将“好”行读入 SFrame,并将“坏”行收集到未解析的SArray. 这将使您以编程方式跟踪有问题的行。


您的数据行似乎不包含任何引号,所以这不是问题。问题是您在某些数据行(和标题)中有 5 列,但在其他数据行中只有 4 列。


STS2012-gold    surprise.OnWN   5.000   render one language in another language restate (words) from one language into another language.


STS2012-gold    surprise.OnWN   3.250   nations unified by shared interests, history or institutions    a group of nations having common interests.

为了解决这个问题,我会调用SFramecsv 解析器两次,一次用于四列数据,一次用于五列数据。因为第一个 fow 有四列,所以那个更简单一点:

import graphlab
sts4 = graphlab.SFrame.read_csv('sts.csv', delimiter='\t', header=True)


sts5 = graphlab.SFrame.read_csv('sts.csv', delimiter='\t', 
                                header=False, skiprows=2)
sts5 = sts5.rename({'X1': 'Dataset', 'X2': 'Domain', 'X3': 'Score',
                    'X4': 'Sent1', 'X5': 'Sent2'})


|   Dataset    |     Domain    | Score |             Sent1             |
| STS2012-gold | surprise.OnWN |  5.0  | render one language in ano... |
| STS2012-gold | surprise.OnWN |  4.0  | devote or adapt exclusivel... |


|   Dataset    |     Domain    | Score |             Sent1             |
| STS2012-gold | surprise.OnWN |  3.25 | nations unified by shared ... |
| STS2012-gold | surprise.OnWN |  3.25 | convert into absorbable su... |
| STS2012-gold | surprise.OnWN |  3.25 | elevated wooden porch of a... |
|             Sent2             |
| a group of nations having ... |
| soften or disintegrate by ... |
| a porch that resembles the... |
于 2015-12-16T19:56:06.260 回答