我有一个名为 myTableView 的 UITableView。我想让 tableView 做的事情其实很简单。如果用户点击一个单元格,它应该展开,换句话说,tableView 是手风琴。这部分对我来说很好,但我也希望当用户点击 mapView 上的标记时单元格展开(我正在使用 Mapbox)。标记的标题以数字结尾,我使用这个数字来确定应该扩展哪个单元格。因此,我从标题字符串中获取数字并创建一个以数字为行的 NSIndexPath(称为 localIndexPath)。之后,我手动选择相应的单元格:

self.myTableView.selectRowAtIndexPath(localIndexPath, animated: true, scrollPosition: UITableViewScrollPosition.None)

之后,我通过以下方式调用 didSelectRowAtIndexPath:

self.tableView(self.myTableView, didSelectRowAtIndexPath: localIndexPath)

然后调用 heightForRowAtIndexPath,这两种方式都成功调用,但实际高度仅在我单击单元格时发生变化,而不是在我单击标记时发生变化。我的问题是为什么会这样,我怎样才能让它双向工作?


import UIKit

@IBDesignable class PullUpView: UIView, UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate {

@IBOutlet var tableCell: UIView!
@IBOutlet weak var hideButton: UIButton!
@IBOutlet weak var myTableView: UITableView!

var view:UIView!
var selectedRowIndex = NSIndexPath(forRow: 99, inSection: 0)
var localIndexPath = NSIndexPath(forRow: 99, inSection: 0)
//irrelevant code...

//This is the function I call when I click a marker
func callDidSelectRowAtIndexPathManually(clickedAnnotation: String){
    print("MANUALLY: \(clickedAnnotation)")
    var tourNumber: String = "Default"
    if(clickedAnnotation.characters.count == 18){
        let idx = advance(clickedAnnotation.startIndex, 15)
         tourNumber = String(clickedAnnotation[idx])
      //  print("TOUR NUMMER IST: \(tourNumber)")
     //in case of two digit number
    }else if(clickedAnnotation.characters.count == 19){
        let idx = advance(clickedAnnotation.startIndex, 15)
        let idxTwo = advance(clickedAnnotation.startIndex, 16)
         tourNumber = String(clickedAnnotation[idx]) + String(clickedAnnotation[idxTwo])
       // print("TOUR NUMMER IST: \(tourNumber)")
    let tourNumberAsInt = Int(tourNumber)
    print("TOUR NUMMER IST: \(tourNumberAsInt)")
    if(tourNumberAsInt != nil){
    localIndexPath = NSIndexPath(forRow: tourNumberAsInt!, inSection: 0)
    //The manual selection and call
    self.myTableView.selectRowAtIndexPath(localIndexPath, animated: true, scrollPosition: UITableViewScrollPosition.None)
    self.tableView(self.myTableView, didSelectRowAtIndexPath: localIndexPath)

 //I just store the indexPath in a variable
 func tableView(tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) {
    NSLog("Und gewählter Index ist:  \(indexPath.row)")
    selectedRowIndex = indexPath
    print("did start updates")
    print("did end updates")


//I use this function to check the height of the cell
func getCellHeight(indexPath: NSIndexPath){
    var cell = tableView(myTableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath: indexPath)
    print("HÖHE VON: \(indexPath.row) ist jetzt: \(cell.bounds.height)")

//I check wheter selectedIndexPath or localIndexPath are equal to the indexPath argument, if it is the cell should expand
func tableView(tableView: UITableView, heightForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> CGFloat {
    if(selectedRowIndex == indexPath && selectedRowIndex.row == indexPath.row || localIndexPath == indexPath){
        print("heightforrow CALLED für: \(indexPath.row)")
        return 200
     print("heightforrow NOT CALLED für: \(indexPath.row)")
    return 60


很抱歉用德语打印,但我认为你可以弥补它们的意思(ist = is,für = for,höhe von = height of)。

这是我点击第二个单元格时的日志,这工作正常,单元格按我的意图扩展,即使高度显示为 44:

did start Updates
heightforrow NOT CALLED für: 0
heightforrow CALLED für: 1
heightforrow NOT CALLED für: 2
did end updates
HÖHE VON: 1 ist jetzt: 44.0


did start updates
heightforrow NOT CALLED für: 0
heightforrow NOT CALLED für: 1
heightforrow CALLED für: 2
heightforrow NOT CALLED für: 0
heightforrow NOT CALLED für: 1
heightforrow CALLED für: 2
did end updates
HÖHE VON: 2 ist jetzt: 44.0
HÖHE VON: 2 ist jetzt: 44.0



2 回答 2


非常感谢所有试图帮助我解决这个问题的人!!!我尝试了一切,但我无法让它发挥作用。在研究时,我发现一种方法比我在此处发布的代码更适合我想要的东西。这就是我现在正在做的事情: https ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWgr_wNtGPM 在以下帮助下:由于未捕获的异常“NSRangeException”而终止应用程序,原因:“无法删除观察者 - ios

于 2015-12-19T13:31:19.157 回答


func tableView(tableView: UITableView, heightForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> CGFloat {
    return 44.00
于 2015-12-14T12:58:36.277 回答