我正在尝试编写一个 AppleScript,它将按名称和绝对路径添加新的虚拟主机。
当我尝试测试文件(桌面上的 txt 文件)时它可以工作,但是当我尝试真实文件(/private/etc/hosts 和 /private/etc/apache2/extras/httpd-vhosts.conf)时它就不起作用。
问题似乎出在用户权限附近,但我不知道如何以管理员身份打开文件进行写入。我尝试了我正在执行“执行 shell 脚本”的方式,但它不起作用(可能我使用的语法不正确)
on run (input)
display dialog "New VirtualHost name" default answer ""
set VirtualHostName to text returned of result
display dialog "Absolute path to VirtualHost's root" default answer "/Library/Webserver/Documents"
set VirtualHostRoot to text returned of result
set hostsNL to "\n127.0.0.1 " & VirtualHostName
set httpdVhostNL to "\n<VirtualHost>
ServerAdmin foo@example.com
ServerName " & VirtualHostName & ".local
DocumentRoot '" & VirtualHostRoot & "'
ErrorLog '/private/var/log/apache2/" & VirtualHostName & "-error_log'
CustomLog '/private/var/log/apache2/" & VirtualHostName & "-access_log' common </VirtualHost>"
set hosts to open for access (POSIX file "/private/etc/hosts") with write permission
write hostsNL to hosts starting at eof
close access hosts
set httpdVhosts to open for access (POSIX file "/private/etc/apache2/extras/httpd-vhosts.conf") with write permission
write httpdVhostNL to httpdVhosts starting at eof
close access httpdVhosts
do shell script "apachectl graceful" with administrator privileges
return true
on error
close access hosts
close access httpdVhosts
end try
return false
end try end run