我正在使用 SqlDependency 来控制我的缓存。我想用它来监控几个表(大约 10 个)。每个被监视的表应该有一个 SqlDependency。


   public void CreateDependency_Table()
        if (connectionStringSettings != null)
            using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connectionStringSettings.ConnectionString))
                using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT id from dbo.Table", conn))
                    cmd.Notification = null;
                    SqlDependency sqlDependency = new SqlDependency(cmd);
                    sqlDependency.OnChange += new OnChangeEventHandler(sqlDep_Table_OnChange);
                    using (SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection))


   private void sqlDep_Table_OnChange(object sender, SqlNotificationEventArgs e)
        SqlDependency dependency = (SqlDependency)sender;
        dependency.OnChange -= sqlDep_Table_OnChange;


        //Re-attach dependency




2 回答 2


在这里,我将向您展示一个可能对您有所帮助的 linq 扩展:

public static class LinqExtensions
  private static ILog _Log = LogManager.GetLogger(MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);

  [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1031:DoNotCatchGeneralExceptionTypes")]
  public static IList<T> LinqCache<T>(this Table<T> query) where T : class
            string tableName = query.Context.Mapping.GetTable(typeof(T)).TableName;
   IList<T> result = HttpContext.Current.Cache[tableName] as List<T>;

            if (result == null)
     using (SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(query.Context.Connection.ConnectionString))
      SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query.Context.GetCommand(query).CommandText, cn);
      cmd.Notification = null;
      cmd.NotificationAutoEnlist = true;

      _Log.DebugFormat("Attempting to enable sql cache dependency notifications for table {0}", tableName);


      string[] tables = SqlCacheDependencyAdmin.GetTablesEnabledForNotifications(query.Context.Connection.ConnectionString);

      if (!tables.Contains(tableName))
       SqlCacheDependencyAdmin.EnableTableForNotifications(query.Context.Connection.ConnectionString, tableName);

      _Log.DebugFormat("Sql cache dependency notifications for table {0} is enabled.", tableName);

      SqlCacheDependency dependency = new SqlCacheDependency(cmd);

      result = query.ToList();
      HttpContext.Current.Cache.Insert(tableName, result, dependency);

      _Log.DebugFormat("Table {0} is cached.", tableName);
    catch (Exception ex)
     result = query.Context.GetTable<T>().ToList();
     HttpContext.Current.Cache.Insert(tableName, result);

     string msg = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
      "Table {0} is cached without SqlCacheDependency!!!", tableName);

     _Log.Warn(msg, ex);
            return result;
于 2010-08-06T09:46:17.023 回答


因此,它将为每个触发器创建一个对象,例如,可用于触发 SinalR。您只需要在 Global.asax 中启动 Dependency 和 SqlDependencyHelper 类,所有内容都将存储在 SqlDataManagement 中,例如触发器是更新或删除以及哪个 id 已更改。

SELECT 中名为 ReferenceItem 的第三个字段可用于了解触发器是否由于更新而发生,因此我使用名为 lastChanged 的​​ DateTime DB 列来了解哪一行已更新。



@"SELECT 'PreStartPhotos' as QueryReferenceName, [id], '' as ReferenceItem FROM [dbo].[PreStartPhotos]"


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;

namespace WebAPI.Helpers
    public class SqlDependencyHelper
        private static SqlDependency    _dep;
        private static readonly string  SqlConnectionString         = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["CONNECTION_STRING"].ConnectionString;
        private static Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string,string>> _tableData  = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string,string>>();


    /// <summary>
    /// This method must start via the Global.asax to initialize the SQL Dependency's OnChange trigger. Example:  
    /// SqlDependency.Start(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["CONNECTION_NAME"].ConnectionString);
    /// SqlDependencyHelper.RegisterSqlNotification().
    /// This method will be recalled by the <see cref="OnDataChange"/> every time that a message is received from the SQL Server. 
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="notificationType">Notification type received by the SQL Notification using the <see cref="OnDataChange"/> method</param>
    public static void RegisterSqlNotification(SqlNotificationInfo notificationType = SqlNotificationInfo.Invalid)
            using (var conn = new SqlConnection(SqlConnectionString))
                // Start the SQL Dependency with the commands to keep watching the database
                var cmd         = conn.CreateCommand();
                cmd.CommandText = string.Join("; ", Global.SqlDependencyList);
                _dep             = new SqlDependency(cmd);
                _dep.OnChange   += OnDataChange;

                // Load the select that has been returned from the database
                var dataResult  = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                var dumpData    = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string,string>>();

                    // Load all information using the sql command provided
                    while (dataResult.Read())
                        if (dataResult[0] == DBNull.Value || dataResult[1] == DBNull.Value || dataResult[2] == DBNull.Value) continue;

                            dumpData.Add(dataResult[0].ToString(),new Dictionary<string, string> { {dataResult[1].ToString(),dataResult[2].ToString()} });

                // As it may have more than one query, keep looping until it load all selects
                } while (dataResult.NextResult());

                // Database diff that point all changes
                // Use this var to inject all changes within a method that triggers the business workflow like a SignalR method
                var dbTracker = (from table in _tableData where dumpData.ContainsKey(table.Key) select new SqlDataManagement(table.Key, table.Value, dumpData[table.Key], notificationType)).ToList();

                // Take a snapshot of the data that has been loaded to be used next time
                _tableData = dumpData;

        catch (Exception e)
            // As this module is executed within the Global that doesn't handle exceptions properly
            // An exception controller had to be added to avoid the application to stop working if an exception is raised
            // An email will be send to alert everyone
            const string module = "SQLDependency";
            var emailHtml       = File.ReadAllText($"{Global.DefaultEmailTemplateFolder}/exception_alerts.html").Replace("{pathName}",module)
            var emails          = new List<string> {Global.DefaultEmailAlerts};
            AmazonApiHelper.SendEmailRaw(emails, $"Exception Alert: {module}", emailHtml);

    /// <summary>
    /// OnChange function that receives the trigger from the SQL broker.
    /// It gets the broker information and call the <see cref="RegisterSqlNotification"/> again to re-attach the broker.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sender"></param>
    /// <param name="e"></param>
    private static void OnDataChange(object sender, SqlNotificationEventArgs e)
        var dep = sender as SqlDependency;
        dep.OnChange -= OnDataChange;

/// <summary>
/// Object used to map changes to a individual query executed by the SqlDependency.
/// </summary>
public class SqlDataManagement
    public SqlDataManagement(string queryReferenceName, Dictionary<string,string> objectsOldFromDb, Dictionary<string,string> objectsNewFromDb, SqlNotificationInfo sqlNotificationInfo)
        QueryReferenceName      = queryReferenceName;
        ObjectsNewFromDb        = objectsNewFromDb;
        ObjectsOldFromDb        = objectsOldFromDb;
        ObjectsStatus           = new Dictionary<string, SqlNotificationInfo>();

        // Check if any id has been removed or added
        var newObjectIds        = objectsNewFromDb.Keys.ToList();
        var oldObjectIds        = objectsOldFromDb.Keys.ToList();
        var newIds              = newObjectIds.Except(oldObjectIds).ToList();
        var removedIds          = oldObjectIds.Except(newObjectIds).ToList();

        // Update the ObjectsStatus with all new and removed ids
        foreach (var newId in newIds)
        foreach (var removedId in removedIds)

        // Check if an object has been inserted or deleted to update the status of the transaction
        if (!objectsOldFromDb.All(objectsNewFromDb.Contains) || objectsOldFromDb.Count != objectsNewFromDb.Count)
            SqlNotificationInfo = sqlNotificationInfo;
            SqlNotificationInfo = SqlNotificationInfo.Unknown;

        // Check if any item has been changed since the last update
        foreach (var objectNew in ObjectsNewFromDb)
            // Check if the item matches in both old and new tables
            if (!ObjectsOldFromDb.ContainsKey(objectNew.Key)) continue;

            // Ignore if the object is the same
            if (ObjectsOldFromDb[objectNew.Key] == objectNew.Value) continue;

            // Change the notification to update and add the id to the UpdatedList
            SqlNotificationInfo = SqlNotificationInfo.Update;

        // Add all unchangedIds to the final object
        var unchangedIds        = oldObjectIds.Except(ObjectsStatus.Keys).ToList();
        foreach (var unchangedId in unchangedIds)

    /// <summary>
    /// The first field of every SQL Dependency command must be the Query Reference name.
    /// It will be used as reference and help any method that rely on this result to use the data.
    /// E.g. SELECT 'PreStartPhotos' as QueryReferenceName, [id], '' as ReferenceItem FROM [dbo].[PreStartPhotos]
    /// </summary>
    public string QueryReferenceName { get; set; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Contain all new and old ids plus all ids that have been updated since the last trigger.
    /// SqlNotificationInfo.Unknown -> hasn't changed since last trigger.
    /// SqlNotificationInfo.Update -> the id has been updated.
    /// SqlNotificationInfo.Delete -> the id has been deleted.
    /// SqlNotificationInfo.Insert -> the id has been inserted.
    /// </summary>
    public Dictionary<string,SqlNotificationInfo> ObjectsStatus { get; set; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Data from the last trigger
    /// </summary>
    public Dictionary<string,string> ObjectsOldFromDb { get; set; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Data that has been captured from the recent trigger
    /// </summary>
    public Dictionary<string,string> ObjectsNewFromDb { get; set; }

    /// <summary>
    /// If any update, delete or insert is detected within the ObjectStatus, this var will be true
    /// </summary>
    public bool HasAnyChange => ObjectsStatus.Any(p=> p.Value != SqlNotificationInfo.Unknown);

    /// <summary>
    /// Information about the SQL notification that triggered this update.
    /// SqlNotificationInfo.Unknown is used if nothing has happened.
    /// </summary>
    public SqlNotificationInfo SqlNotificationInfo { get; set; }


于 2017-05-18T00:15:49.510 回答