I have a typescript file users.ts
in a sub-directory routes
The gulp code in gulpfile.js
var tsProject = ts.createProject(tsConfigFile);
return tsProject.src()
.pipe(sourcemaps.write('.', {includeContent: false, sourceRoot: ''}))
The sourcemap generated by gulp-sourcemaps
does not work with VSCode :
{"version":3,"sources":["routes/users.ts"],"names":[], "mappings":"...","file":"routes/users.js","sourceRoot":""}
The sourcemap generated by tsc
works fine in VSCode:
{"version":3,"file":"users.js","sourceRoot":"","sources":["users.ts"],"names":[], "mappings":"..."}
and the VSCode breakpoint works fine with the sourcemap generated by tsc
So how to config gulp-typescript/gulp-sourcemaps
to generate the same sourcemap as tsc