We are using WebLogic and IBM MQ 7.5. Application design is to send messages to a dead letter queue (in WebLogic) on re-delivery. The re-delivery happens as the first delivery has failed due to some network issue or database data source failure.

My Client wants a way to browse the messages in the dead letter queue from the application GUI and pull them for processing when the network issue or data source issue has been resolved.

What is the best way to go about this?

I cam across QueueBrowser coupled with activemq or some other implementation. Is QueueBrowser possible with WebLogic? Please suggest on best ways to achieve this requirement. Kindly pardon if my question is too naive. I am only a PL/SQL programmer.


2 回答 2


Valerie is referring to the SYSTEM DLQ and application should never ever write to it. Application's should have there own DLQ.

i.e. If your application queue is called 'TEST.Q1' then your application DLQ should be called 'TEST.Q1.DLQ'.

There is a whole long list of MQ tools here to view messages and manage your MQ environment.

于 2015-12-11T22:23:46.140 回答

应用程序是否真的设计为写入 DLQ?如果是这样,那是一个非常糟糕的设计。DLQ 用于队列管理器和 MQ 软件放置无法传递的消息。应用程序不应写入 DLQ。

至于如何在 DLQ 上查看消息,可以通过 MQ Explorer GUI 来完成。或者要编写脚本,请使用带有规则表 的 DLQ 处理程序 ( runmqdlq ) 来处理消息。

于 2015-12-11T13:44:13.017 回答