我需要使用淘汰赛 js 创建一个简单的评论框(就像 facebook 评论一样)。我是 KO 的新手,我试图搜索,但我似乎找不到那个愚蠢问题的答案。我会花更多的时间,但我需要尽快完成我的作业。所以这是我的 HTML:
<div id="comment-input-container">
<input type="text" placeholder="comment..." data-bind="value: commentText">
<button type="submit" data-bind="click: addComment">Add comment</button>
</div> <!-- From this input I need to take the commentText and use it in the addComment function -->
<!-- Knockout Template for showing comments -->
<div id="comment-box" data-bind="foreach: comments">
<p data-bind="text: fullName"></p>
<p data-bind="text: datePosted"></p>
<div class="commentBody">
<div class="commentContent">
<div class="commentText" data-bind="text: commentText"></div>
<div class="commentButtonsBox"></div>
function CommentsViewModel() {
var self = this;
self.comments = ko.observableArray([{
fullName: "Todor Atanasov",
datePosted: new Date(),
commentText: "Awesome vid guys ty."}
self.addComment = function() {
fullName: "new guy",
datePosted: new Date(),
commentText: "new comment"
ko.applyBindings(new CommentsViewModel());