
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import division, unicode_literals
import math
from textblob import TextBlob as tb

def tf(word, blob):
    return blob.words.count(word) / len(blob.words)

def n_containing(word, bloblist):
    return sum(1 for blob in bloblist if word in blob)

def idf(word, bloblist):
    return math.log(len(bloblist) / (1 + n_containing(word, bloblist)))

def tfidf(word, blob, bloblist):
    return tf(word, blob) * idf(word, bloblist)

document1 = tb("""Today, the weather is 30 degrees in Celcius. It is really hot""")

document2 = tb("""I can't believe the traffic headed to the beach. It is really a circus out there.'""")

document3 = tb("""There are so many tolls on this road. I recommend taking the interstate.""")

bloblist = [document1, document2, document3]
for i, blob in enumerate(bloblist):
    print("Document {}".format(i + 1))
    scores = {word: tfidf(word, blob, bloblist) for word in blob.words}
    sorted_words = sorted(scores.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
    for word, score in sorted_words:
        score_weight = score * 100 
        print("\t{}, {}".format(word, round(score_weight, 5)))

我想在目录中使用一个输入 txt 文件,而不是每个硬编码的document.

例如,假设我有一个目录foo,其中包含三个文件file1, file2, file3.



Today, the weather is 30 degrees in Celcius. It is really hot


I can't believe the traffic headed to the beach. It is really a circus out there.


There are so many tolls on this road. I recommend taking the interstate.


file_names = glob.glob("/path/to/foo/*")
files =  map(open,file_names)
documents = [file.read() for file in files]
[file.close() for file in files]

bloblist = [documents]
for i, blob in enumerate(bloblist):
    print("Document {}".format(i + 1))
    scores = {word: tfidf(word, blob, bloblist) for word in blob.words}
    sorted_words = sorted(scores.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
    for word, score in sorted_words:
        score_weight = score * 100 
        print("\t{}, {}".format(word, round(score_weight, 5)))

如何使用 维护每个单独文件的分数glob

使用目录中的文件作为输入后的预期结果将与原始代码相同[结果被截断到前 3 位以获得空间]:

Document 1
    Celcius, 3.37888
    30, 3.37888
    hot, 3.37888
Document 2
    there, 2.38509
    out, 2.38509
    headed, 2.38509
Document 3
    on, 3.11896
    this, 3.11896
    many, 3.11896



3 回答 3


@AnnaBonazzi 在这里提供了一个代码片段,https: //gist.github.com/sloria/6407257 ,

import os, glob
folder = "/path/to/folder/"
files = glob.glob("*.txt") # Makes a list of all files in folder
bloblist = []
for file1 in files:
    with open (file1, 'r') as f:
        data = f.read() # Reads document content into a string
        document = tb(data.decode("utf-8")) # Makes TextBlob object

我修改了它以供我使用(Python 3):

import os, glob
bloblist = []

def make_corpus(input_dir):
    """ Based on code snippet from https://gist.github.com/sloria/6407257 """

    global doc                              ## used outside this method
    input_folder = "input"
    files = glob.glob("*.*")                ## or "*.txt", etc.
    for doc in files:
        # print('doc:', doc)                ## prints filename (doc)
        with open (doc, 'r') as f:
            data = f.read()                 ## read document content into a string
            document = tb(data)             ## make TextBlob object
    # print('bloblist:\n', bloblist)        ## copious output ...
    print('len(bloblist):', len(bloblist))

make_corpus('input')                        ## input directory 'input'


我个人在使用 Python glob 模块时遇到了困难,因为我经常 (i) 有没有扩展名的文件名(例如 01),并且 (ii) 想要递归嵌套目录。

乍一看,“glob”方法似乎是一个简单的解决方案。但是,当尝试遍历 glob 返回的文件时,我经常遇到错误(例如)

IsADirectoryError: [Errno 21] Is a directory: ...

当循环遇到由 glob 返回的目录(不是文件)名称时。


import os
bloblist = []

def make_corpus(input_dir):
    for root, subdirs, files in os.walk(input_dir):
        for filename in files:
            f = os.path.join(root, filename)
            print('file:', f)
            with open(os.path.join(root, filename)) as f:
                for line in f:
                    # print(line, end='')
    # print('bloblist:\n', bloblist)
    print('len(bloblist):', len(bloblist), '\n')

make_corpus('input')       ## 'input' = input dir

更新 2:

最后一种方法(Linux shellfind命令,适用于 Python 3):

import sh     ## pip install sh

def make_corpus(input_dir):
    '''find (here) matches filenames, excludes directory names'''

    corpus = []
    file_list = []
    #FILES = sh.find(input_dir, '-type', 'f', '-iname', '*.txt')    ## find all .txt files
    FILES = sh.find(input_dir, '-type', 'f', '-iname', '*')         ## find any file
    print('FILES:', FILES)                                          ## caveat: files in FILES are '\n'-terminated ...
    for filename in FILES:
        #print(filename, end='')
        # file_list.append(filename)                                ## when printed, each filename ends with '\n'
        filename = filename.rstrip('\n')                            ## ... this addresses that issue
        with open(filename) as f:
            #print('file:', filename)
            # ----------------------------------------
            # for general use:
            #for line in f:
            # ----------------------------------------
            # for this particular example (Question, above):
            data = f.read()
            document = tb(data)
    print('file_list:', file_list)
    print('corpus length (lines):', len(corpus))

    with open('output/corpus', 'w') as f:                           ## write to file
        for line in corpus:
于 2017-12-06T18:23:30.680 回答


scores = []
bloblist = [documents]
for i, blob in enumerate(bloblist):
  ... do your evaluation ..

print scores
于 2015-12-10T12:44:23.880 回答

在您的第一个代码示例中,您填充bloblist的结果tb(),在您的第二个示例中 - 输入tb()(只是字符串)。

尝试替换bloblist = [documents]bloblist = map(tb, documents).

您还可以像这样对文件名列表进行排序file_names = sorted(glob.glob("/path/to/foo/*")),以使两个版本的输出匹配。

于 2015-12-10T12:43:10.430 回答