. 尝试了 RyanCarter 建议的逻辑。我现在尝试使用
Birthday:$.DOB as :date {format : "MMM-dd-yyyy"} as :string {format: "dd/MM/yyyy"}
其中 DOB 是 .csv 输入中的字符串列。但我得到了以下例外。
Message : Exception while executing:
DOB:$.DOB as :date {format : "MMM-dd-yyyy"} as :string {format: "dd/MM/yyyy"}
Cannot coerce a :string to a :date, caused by :Text 'NOV-03-1992' could not be parsed at index 0
Type : com.mulesoft.weave.mule.exception.WeaveExecutionException
Code : MULE_ERROR--2
Exception stack is:
1. Cannot coerce a :string to a :date, caused by :Text 'NOV-03-1992' could not be parsed at index 0
com.mulesoft.weave.model.values.coercion.LocalDateTypeCoercionValue:30 (null)
2. Exception while executing:
DOB:$.DOB as :date {format : "MMM-dd-yyyy"} as :string {format: "dd/MM/yyyy"}
Cannot coerce a :string to a :date, caused by :Text 'NOV-03-1992' could not be parsed at index 0 (com.mulesoft.weave.mule.exception.WeaveExecutionException)
com.mulesoft.weave.mule.WeaveMessageProcessor$WeaveOutputHandler:166 (null)
Root Exception stack trace:
com.mulesoft.weave.model.values.coercion.exception.UnsupportedTypeCoercionException: Cannot coerce a :string to a :date, caused by :Text 'NOV-03-1992' could not be parsed at index 0