with sandbox_mode=True
is throwing error message. Below is my code and entire error message.
#Python 3.x
from uber_rides.session import Session
from uber_rides.client import UberRidesClient
session = Session(server_token="something-special")
client = UberRidesClient(session,sandbox_mode=True)
#UberX product id
product_id = '04a497f5-380d-47f2-bf1b-ad4cfdcb51f2'
response = client.request_ride(product_id, 37.77, -122.41, 37.79, -122.41)
ride_details = response.json
ride_id = ride_details.get('request_id')
response = client.update_sandbox_ride(ride_id, 'accepted')
#error message
uber_rides.errors.ClientError: The request contains bad syntax or
cannot be filled due to a fault from the client sending the request.