你好。我正在编写一个网站解析器,旨在快速实现多线程。我使用的外部库是:apache HTTP 客户端、Jsoup(用于 HTML 解析)和 GPars(用于消息驱动线程)。现在我将展示一些我正在尝试实现的概念
static StaticDispatchActor<String> httpActor;
public static void main(String[] args) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException {
int numThreads = 25;
numThreads = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
} catch (Exception e){
System.out.println("Number of threads defaulted to "+numThreads);
final int numberOfThreads = numThreads;
final ExecutorService threadpool = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
final Async async = Async.newInstance().use(threadpool);
AtomicInteger jobCount = new AtomicInteger(0);
// This is a parser itself which parses usernames out of every page.
Actor jsoupUser = new StaticDispatchActor<String>(){ // actor to parse users
HashSet<String> users = new HashSet<>(); // found users
public void onMessage(String html){ // takes html -> adds parsed users 2 set
.select("a[href*=/profile/]").stream() // select links
.map(e -> e.text()) // extract usernames
.filter(s -> s.length() > 0) // empty lines -> out
System.out.print("Users: "+users.size()+", Jobs: "+jobCount.get()+"\r");
// This actor shall extract new links to parse out of every page
Actor jsoupLinker = new StaticDispatchActor<String>(){ // link extractor
HashSet<String> usedLinks = new HashSet<>(); // already found links
public synchronized void removeBack(String url){
public void onMessage(String html) {
Set<String> links = Jsoup.parse(html).select("a[href]").stream().parallel()
.map(e -> e.attr("href").replace("#comments", "")// here also some replacements...
.filter(s -> (!usedLinks.contains(s) && /* other filters */ )
links.forEach(url -> httpActor.send(url)); // send to process new URLs
}.start(); // start actor
// this actor is the processor of new links and where the error comes in:
httpActor = new StaticDispatchActor<String>(){ // process responses async
public void onMessage(String url) {
while(jobCount.get()>numberOfThreads); // wait for running threads to be less than wanted value; without this number of running jobs goes out of any control
async.execute(Request.Get(defaultWebSiteUrl+url), new FutureCallback<Content>(){ @Override // do request and process async
public void completed(Content c) {
String s = c.asString();
} catch (OutOfMemoryError e1){
System.out.println("out of my memory, "); // This is the thrown error the question is about - [1]
@Override public void failed(Exception e) {
try {
throw e;
} catch (ConnectException e4){ // if the request is timed out resend it
} catch (HttpResponseException e0){
} catch (Exception e1) { // for all other exceptions
@Override public void cancelled() {
jobCount.decrementAndGet(); // never done actually
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e3){
System.out.println("some illigal shit");
现在的问题是,虽然我限制了一些正在运行的作业,但我的代码不知何故内存不足(在代码中搜索 [1] 以查看位置)。也许您对如何解决它有任何想法。或者有一些类似任务的展示,因为我对整个应用程序设计的填写非常错误,也许我应该改变它?谢谢你。