您可以使用 pythonnet 从 .NET 调用 numpy(下面的 C# 代码是从 GITHUB 复制的):
目前使用 pythonnet 的唯一“时髦”部分是传递 numpy 数组。可以在界面上将它们转换为 Python 列表,尽管这会在某些情况下降低性能。
static void Main(string[] args)
using (Py.GIL()) {
dynamic np = Py.Import("numpy");
dynamic sin = np.sin;
double c = np.cos(5) + sin(5);
dynamic a = np.array(new List<float> { 1, 2, 3 });
dynamic b = np.array(new List<float> { 6, 5, 4 }, Py.kw("dtype", np.int32));
Console.WriteLine(a * b);
[ 6. 10. 12.]
这是在 github 上发布的使用 F# 的示例:
open Python.Runtime
open FSharp.Interop.Dynamic
open System.Collections.Generic
let main argv =
//set up for garbage collection?
use gil = Py.GIL()
//import numpy
let np = Py.Import("numpy")
//call a numpy function dynamically
let sinResult = np?sin(5)
//make a python list the hard way
let list = new Python.Runtime.PyList()
list.Append( new PyFloat(4.0) )
list.Append( new PyFloat(5.0) )
//run the python list through np.array dynamically
let a = np?array( list )
let sumA = np?sum(a)
//again, but use a keyword to change the type
let b = np?array( list, Py.kw("dtype", np?int32 ) )
let sumAB = np?add(a,b)
let SeqToPyFloat ( aSeq : float seq ) =
let list = new Python.Runtime.PyList()
aSeq |> Seq.iter( fun x -> list.Append( new PyFloat(x)))
//Worth making some convenience functions (see below for why)
let a2 = np?array( [|1.0;2.0;3.0|] |> SeqToPyFloat )
//Problematic cases: these run but don't give good results
//make a np.array from a generic list
let list2 = [|1;2;3|] |> ResizeArray
let c = np?array( list2 )
printfn "%A" c //gives type not value in debugger
//make a np.array from an array
let d = np?array( [|1;2;3|] )
printfn "%A" d //gives type not value in debugger
//use a np.array in a function
let sumD = np?sum(d) //gives type not value in debugger
//let sumCD = np?add(d,d) // this will crash
//can't use primitive f# operators on the np.arrays without throwing an exception; seems
//to work in c# https://github.com/tonyroberts/pythonnet //develop branch
//let e = d + 1
//import nltk
let nltk = Py.Import("nltk")
let sentence = "I am happy"
let tokens = nltk?word_tokenize(sentence)
let tags = nltk?pos_tag(tokens)
let taggedWords = nltk?corpus?brown?tagged_words()
let taggedWordsNews = nltk?corpus?brown?tagged_words(Py.kw("categories", "news") )
printfn "%A" taggedWordsNews
let tlp = nltk?sem?logic?LogicParser(Py.kw("type_check",true))
let parsed = tlp?parse("walk(angus)")
printfn "%A" parsed?argument
0 // return an integer exit code