我正在编写一个例程来在BCD(每个十进制数字 4 位)和密集压缩十进制(DPD)(每 3 个十进制数字 10 位)之间进行转换。在Mike Cowlishaw 的网站上进一步记录了 DPD(建议软件使用查找表)。
这个例程只需要它使用的寄存器的低 16 位,但为了更短的指令编码,我尽可能使用 32 位指令。是与以下代码相关的速度惩罚:
mov data,%eax # high 16 bit of data are cleared
shl %al
shr %eax
and $0x888,%edi # = 0000 a000 e000 i000
imul $0x0490,%di # = aei0 0000 0000 0000
其中 16 位的替代方案imul
将是 32 位imul
我的例程中的整个代码可以在下面找到。由于我混合了 word 和 dword 指令,其中有什么性能比它可能更差的地方吗?
.section .text
.type bcd2dpd_mul,@function
.globl bcd2dpd_mul
# convert BCD to DPD with multiplication tricks
# input abcd efgh iklm in edi
.align 8
mov %edi,%eax # = 0000 abcd efgh iklm
shl %al # = 0000 abcd fghi klm0
shr %eax # = 0000 0abc dfgh iklm
test $0x880,%edi # fast path for a = e = 0
jz 1f
and $0x888,%edi # = 0000 a000 e000 i000
imul $0x0490,%di # = aei0 0000 0000 0000
mov %eax,%esi
and $0x66,%esi # q = 0000 0000 0fg0 0kl0
shr $13,%edi # u = 0000 0000 0000 0aei
imul tab-8(,%rdi,4),%si # v = q * tab[u-2][0]
and $0x397,%eax # r = 0000 00bc d00h 0klm
xor %esi,%eax # w = r ^ v
or tab-6(,%rdi,4),%ax # x = w | tab[u-2][1]
and $0x3ff,%eax # = 0000 00xx xxxx xxxx
1: ret
.size bcd2dpd_mul,.-bcd2dpd_mul
.section .rodata
.align 4
.short 0x0011 ; .short 0x000a
.short 0x0000 ; .short 0x004e
.short 0x0081 ; .short 0x000c
.short 0x0008 ; .short 0x002e
.short 0x0081 ; .short 0x000e
.short 0x0000 ; .short 0x006e
.size tab,.-tab
.section .text
.type bcd2dpd_mul,@function
.globl bcd2dpd_mul
# convert BCD to DPD with multiplication tricks
# input abcd efgh iklm in edi
.align 8
mov %edi,%eax # = 0000 abcd efgh iklm
shl %al # = 0000 abcd fghi klm0
shr %eax # = 0000 0abc dfgh iklm
test $0x880,%edi # fast path for a = e = 0
jnz 1f
.align 8
1: and $0x888,%edi # = 0000 a000 e000 i000
imul $0x49,%edi # = 0ae0 aei0 ei00 i000
mov %eax,%esi
and $0x66,%esi # q = 0000 0000 0fg0 0kl0
shr $8,%edi # = 0000 0000 0ae0 aei0
and $0xe,%edi # = 0000 0000 0000 aei0
movzwl lookup-4(%rdi),%edx
movzbl %dl,%edi
imul %edi,%esi # v = q * tab[u-2][0]
and $0x397,%eax # r = 0000 00bc d00h 0klm
xor %esi,%eax # w = r ^ v
or %dh,%al # = w | tab[u-2][1]
and $0x3ff,%eax # = 0000 00xx xxxx xxxx
.size bcd2dpd_mul,.-bcd2dpd_mul
.section .rodata
.align 4
.byte 0x11
.byte 0x0a
.byte 0x00
.byte 0x4e
.byte 0x81
.byte 0x0c
.byte 0x08
.byte 0x2e
.byte 0x81
.byte 0x0e
.byte 0x00
.byte 0x6e
.size lookup,.-lookup