I am using STEM library in Python
to access Tor. Suppose I have a url which is blocked in my country and I do not know the country from which it will be allowed, how can I scan exit nodes of different countries to find the right exit node for access?
571 次
1 回答
我的第一个想法是列出您想测试访问该站点的国家/地区列表,并指示 Tor 使用每个国家/地区的 ExitNodes,并尝试通过 Tor socks 代理访问该站点以获取可用的国家/地区列表。
countries = [ "us", "fr", "de", "ca", "nl" ]
for co in countries:
controller.set_conf("ExitNodes", "{" + co + "}")
# make request using Tor socks proxy for site here
# some check to determine if site is blocking country or not
简而言之,检查您在使用每个国家/地区作为出口时返回的 HTML 以确定您是否被阻止。
于 2015-12-03T19:54:26.483 回答