I am trying to create a word cloud in angular/javascript. I have looked at a few existing implementations, like https://www.jasondavies.com/wordcloud/#%2F%2Fwww.jasondavies.com%2Fwordcloud%2Fabout%2F and other simple word clouds.

There are a few issues that i have with these implementations:

I would like to be able to draw wordclouds in different shapes. enter image description here

Also sometimes i would like to be able to draw word clouds around a text box, that is leaving some space at the centre of the word cloud (rectangular, or circular), like in the below image, draw wordcloud around the textbox and not overlapping it.

enter image description here

Can someone suggest any links or algorithms to look into.

(For the 2nd requirement, I tried changing the code provided by Jason davies, to apply inner bounds to the word cloud, but i wasn't able to)


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