library(plotrix) # for taylor diagram
library(RColorBrewer) # for color palette
# setting random number generator
# fake some reference data
model1<-ref+rnorm(30)/2 # add a little noise for model1
model2<-ref+rnorm(30) # add more noise for model2
model3<-ref+rnorm(30)*1.1 # add more noise for model3
model4<-ref+rnorm(30)*1.5 # add more noise for model4
# making up bias values for each model
bias1 <- 0.5
bias2 <- -1
bias3 <- 0.9
bias4 <- -0.25
# making color values
num_cols <- 8 # number of colors for bias
cols <- brewer.pal(num_cols,'RdYlGn') # making color palette, many other palettes are available
# making vector of color breaks
# breaks define the regions for each color
min_bias <- -1 # minimum bias
max_bias <- 1 # maximum bias
col_breaks <- seq(min_bias,max_bias,(max_bias - min_bias)/(num_cols))
# assigning colors based on bias
# color index assigned based on the value of the bias
col1 <- cols[max(which( col_breaks <= bias1))]
col2 <- cols[max(which( col_breaks <= bias2))]
col3 <- cols[max(which( col_breaks <= bias3))]
col4 <- cols[max(which( col_breaks <= bias4))]
# display the diagram and add points for each model
# use color assigned for each model for that model's point
# adding color bar
color.legend(3.5,0,4,2 # coordinates
,(col_breaks[1:(length(col_breaks)-1)]+col_breaks[2:length(col_breaks)])/2 # legend values (mean of color value)
,rect.col=cols # colors
,gradient='y' # vertical gradient