

caching app req respond =
    -- Request Body is consumed here
    cacheKey <- strictRequestBody req
    -- the req object is no more usable as body was consumed
    maybe (app req (addToCacheAndRespond cacheKey))
        (sendResponse . responseFromCachedValue)
        (lookup cacheKey cacheContainer)

我在这里看不到任何解决方案。如何从 cacheKey 和 req 对象复制请求或生成另一个请求?


作为奖励点,有人可以指出我将 Wai Application 的类型从更改为的Request -> IO Response理由Request -> (Response -> IO ResponseReceived) -> IO ResponseReceived


1 回答 1


我终于找到了如何使用 requestLogger 作为示例:



getRequestBody :: Request -> IO (Request, [S8.ByteString])
getRequestBody req = do
  let loop front = do
         bs <- requestBody req
         if S8.null bs
             then return $ front []
             else loop $ front . (bs:)
  body <- loop id
  -- logging the body here consumes it, so fill it back up
  -- obviously not efficient, but this is the development logger
  -- Note: previously, we simply used CL.sourceList. However,
  -- that meant that you could read the request body in twice.
  -- While that in itself is not a problem, the issue is that,
  -- in production, you wouldn't be able to do this, and
  -- therefore some bugs wouldn't show up during testing. This
  -- implementation ensures that each chunk is only returned
  -- once.
  ichunks <- newIORef body
  let rbody = atomicModifyIORef ichunks $ \chunks ->
         case chunks of
             [] -> ([], S8.empty)
             x:y -> (y, x)
  let req' = req { requestBody = rbody }
  return (req', body)
于 2015-12-01T14:45:56.303 回答