我正在使用 C++ 中的 CHOLMOD 进行 Cholesky 分解更新的项目。我能找到的唯一参考是用户指南。cholmod_updown_solve()似乎对我来说是正确的功能。但是这个函数没有例子,我不能得到正确的结果。



// The original system is At*A*phi = At*b
// Updates: C*Ct is added to At*A (Here C is a sparse column vector)

size_t n = m_pMesh->numVertices();
double w = 1e3;

cholmod_sparse *C;
cholmod_triplet *C_coefficients;
cholmod_dense *Delta_Atb;

cholmod_common common;
cholmod_common *cm = &common;

C_coefficients = cholmod_allocate_triplet(n, 1, 2, 0, CHOLMOD_REAL, cm);
Delta_Atb = cholmod_zeros(n, 1, CHOLMOD_REAL, cm);

// updates: two more constraints
CViewerVertex *pNew = stroke_ends.start;
CViewerVertex *qNew = stroke_ends.end;
cholmodEntry(C_coefficients, pNew->sid(), pNew->sid(), w, cm);
cholmodEntry(C_coefficients, qNew->sid(), qNew->sid(), w, cm);

// change to At*b is Delta_Atb
((double*)Delta_Atb->x)[pNew->sid()] = w * w;

C = cholmod_triplet_to_sparse(C_coefficients, C_coefficients->nnz, cm);
cholmod_sort(C, cm);

// phi is the given solution to the original system At*A*phi = At*b
// L is the Cholesky factor to modify
// Both phi and L should be overwritten here
cholmod_updown_solve(1, C, L, phi, Delta_Atb, cm);

cholmod_free_sparse(&C, cm);
cholmod_free_triplet(&C_coefficients, cm);
cholmod_free_dense(&Delta_Atb, cm);


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