如何在属性中插入泰米尔语字母(例如 Config.ppt) 我需要在属性文件中写入泰米尔语字母
fieldvalue = fieldvalue.replace(specialcharArray.get(g), specialcharArray1.get(g));
// specialcharArray.get(g) and specialcharArray1.get(g) are given in the Config.ppt file.
for (int g = 0; g < specialcharArray.size(); g++) {
if (g < specialcharArray1.size()) {
fieldvalue = fieldvalue.replace(specialcharArray.get(g), specialcharArray1.get(g));
} else {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Find and replace characters count mismatching. Please Re-run the application after making the count equal otherwise none of the characters will be replaced");