我正在为 NETCONF 使用 PHP 库:https ://github.com/Juniper/netconf-php 。到目前为止,我已经设法获得了我的脚本所需的配置部分,但最近的挑战仍然是将新配置加载到路由器中。我路由器上的日志:

Nov 27 14:34:48  router.nl sshd[78164]: subsystem request for netconf by user user
Nov 27 14:34:48  router.nl mgd[78168]: UI_CMDLINE_READ_LINE: User 'x', command 'xml-mode netconf need-trailer '
Nov 27 14:34:48  router.nl file[78167]: UI_LOGIN_EVENT: User 'x' login, class 'j-super-user' [78167], ssh-connection 'x.x.x.x 46796 x.x.x.x 22', client-mode 'netconf'
Nov 27 14:34:48  router.nl file[78167]: UI_NETCONF_CMD: User 'x' used NETCONF client to run command 'lock cannot reconstruct arguments'
Nov 27 14:34:48  router.nl file[78167]: UI_NETCONF_CMD: User 'x' used NETCONF client to run command 'edit-config cannot reconstruct arguments default-operation=merge cannot reconstruct arguments'
Nov 27 14:34:48  router.nl file[78167]: UI_NETCONF_CMD: User 'x' used NETCONF client to run command 'unlock cannot reconstruct arguments'
Nov 27 14:34:48  router.nl file[78167]: UI_NETCONF_CMD: User 'x' used NETCONF client to run command 'close-session'


require_once '../app/include/netconf/Device.php';

$deviceParams = [
    'hostname'  => 'x.x.x.x',
    'username'  => 'x',
    'password'  => 'password',
    'port'      => 22

$this->device = new Device($deviceParams);

$islocked = $this->device->lock_config();

$command = '<system><services><ftp/></services></system>';

if($islocked) {              
    $this->device->load_xml_configuration($command, 'merge');



我已经在 netconf { ssh { 树下设置了 traceoqptions ,这是输出之一(一切似乎都很好):

Nov 30 10:41:57 [86546] Incoming:

Nov 30 10:41:57 [86546] Outgoing: <rpc-reply     xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" xmlns:junos="http://xml.juniper.net/junos/12.3R8/junos">
Nov 30 10:41:57 [86546] Outgoing: <ok/>
Nov 30 10:41:57 [86546] Outgoing: </rpc-reply>
Nov 30 10:41:57 [86546] Outgoing: ]]>]]>
Nov 30 10:41:57 [86546] Incoming: <rpc><close-session/></rpc>]]>]]>

2 回答 2


我在我的 OP 中显示的第一个日志什么也没说,只是告诉我出了点问题。然而,在我尝试锁定/解锁配置后,traceoptions 确实告诉了我重要信息:

Nov 30 12:06:43 [86767] Outgoing: <rpc-error>
Nov 30 12:06:43 [86767] Outgoing: <error-type>protocol</error-type>
Nov 30 12:06:43 [86767] Outgoing: <error-tag>operation-failed</error-tag>
Nov 30 12:06:43 [86767] Outgoing: <error-severity>error</error-severity>
Nov 30 12:06:43 [86767] Outgoing: <error-message>
Nov 30 12:06:43 [86767] Outgoing: configuration database modified
Nov 30 12:06:43 [86767] Outgoing: </error-message>
Nov 30 12:06:43 [86767] Outgoing: </rpc-error>
Nov 30 12:06:43 [86767] Outgoing: </rpc-reply>
Nov 30 12:06:43 [86767] Outgoing: ]]>]]>

快速搜索“配置数据库已修改”意味着仍有一些未提交的更改(http://www.juniper.net/documentation/en_US/junos13.3/topics/topic-map/junos-script-automation-service- template-automation.html,底部页面):


You see the following message when creating, updating, or deleting a service on a device through a NETCONF session:

    configuration database modified

The configuration has previously uncommitted changes, and the service script cannot commit the service configuration changes.


于 2015-11-30T12:24:43.470 回答

不确定 PHP 中的 netconf(仍在深入研究),但在 Python 中,您应该始终最好使用“配置私有”:

with Config(junos_dev, mode='private') as cu:
  cu.load(some_string, format='set')
  #print cu.diff()

现在我还在这里找到了相关函数: /** *应该调用此方法以使加载操作在“私有”模式下发生。*@param mode * 打开配置的模式。* 允许的模式:“private” */ public function open_configuration($mode)

于 2016-07-14T15:03:35.023 回答