我使用 Lync 客户端 SDK 2013 和 UCMA 4.0 创建了应用程序。现在我用大量用户测试我的应用程序。如何使用 UCMA 或 Lync 客户端 SDK 模拟大量客户端?
2 回答
我在 UCMA 中创建了一个工具来对我所有的应用程序进行压力测试,而不是我所做的。
我们创建我们的平台,遵循我们的 Set-CsTrustedApplication。
var platformSettings = new ProvisionedApplicationPlatformSettings("InnixiTester", "urn:application:innixitester"); var collabPlatform = new CollaborationPlatform(platformSettings); collabPlatform.EndStartup(collabPlatform.BeginStartup(null, null));
好的,我知道我在这里所做的是将开始和结束链接在一起的错误链接到一行代码中。但是,这只是一个代码示例。我邀请您阅读Tom Morgan的文章,他解释了为什么像我一样这样做不好。
/* * Proprieties of the class */ private AutoResetEvent _waitForStressTestToFinish = new AutoResetEvent(false); private List<UserEndpoint> _listUserEndpoints = new List<UserEndpoint>(); private int _maxUsers = 200; private int _tickTotal; private int _tickCount; private int _nbrCallsByIntervall; /* * End */ _maxUsers = 200; // Nbr max of users const var callsTotal = 200; // Nbr of total call const var timeToTest = 30; // Total time to test const var intervalOfCalls = 5; // We want to make our calls between specific intervals Parallel.For(0, _maxUsers, i => { CreateUserEndpoint(collabPlatform, i.ToString()); });
您只需在此处创建您的 UserEndpoint。场景是我在活动目录中的用户是stressuser0到stressuser200。分机从 +14250 到 +1425200
private void CreateUserEndpoint(CollaborationPlatform cp, string iteration) { try { UserEndpointSettings settingsUser = new UserEndpointSettings($"sip:stressuser{iteration}@pferde.net", "pool2010.pferde.net", 5061); settingsUser = InitializePublishAlwaysOnlineSettings(settingsUser); var userEndpoint = new UserEndpoint(cp, settingsUser); userEndpoint.EndEstablish(userEndpoint.BeginEstablish(null, null)); PublishOnline(userEndpoint); _listUserEndpoints.Add(userEndpoint); Console.WriteLine($"The User Endpoint owned by URI: {userEndpoint.OwnerUri} was created\n"); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine($"failed to create for --> sip:stressuser{iteration}@pferde.net"); throw; } } private UserEndpointSettings InitializePublishAlwaysOnlineSettings(UserEndpointSettings settings) { settings.AutomaticPresencePublicationEnabled = true; settings.Presence.PreferredServiceCapabilities.AudioSupport = CapabilitySupport.Supported; return (settings); }
现在是时候拨打电话了!我们将编写一个带有计时器的简单算法。将计算 X 时间和 Y 呼叫以及 Z 间隔需要进行多少次呼叫。
Console.WriteLine("Tape a key to place calls..."); Console.ReadKey(); PlaceCalls(callsTotal, timeToTest, intervalOfCalls); _waitForStressTestToFinish.WaitOne(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"Shutting down platform due to error {ex}"); ShutdownPlatform(collabPlatform); } ShutdownPlatform(collabPlatform); } private void PlaceCalls(int callsMax, int timeMax, int timeIntervall) { _tickTotal = timeMax / timeIntervall; _nbrCallsByIntervall= callsMax / _tickTotal; Console.WriteLine($"_nbrCallsByIntervall --> {_nbrCallsByIntervall}"); var timeIntervalTimespan = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, timeIntervall); _timer = new Timer(timeIntervalTimespan.TotalMilliseconds); _timer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(_timer_Elapsed); _timer.Enabled = true; } void _timer_Elapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e) { if (_tickCount < _tickTotal) { Console.WriteLine($"\n Pause Timer | On {_tickCount} to {_tickTotal}\n"); _timer.Enabled = false; for (var i = 0; i <= _nbrCallsByIntervall - 1; ++i) { ConversationSettings convSettings = new ConversationSettings(); Conversation conversation = new Conversation(_listUserEndpoints[generateNumber(0, _listUserEndpoints.Count)], convSettings); var audioVideoCall = new AudioVideoCall(conversation); CallEstablishOptions options = new CallEstablishOptions(); var gNbr = generateNumber(0, _listUserEndpoints.Count); try { // Here I'm calling a single phone number. You can use GenerateNumber to call stressusers each others. But you have to extend your code to accept the calls coming. audioVideoCall.BeginEstablish($"3322", options, null, audioVideoCall); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("Fail to Call the remote user..."); throw; } Console.WriteLine($"Call--> +1425{gNbr}.Counter--> {_tickCount} Ticket--> {_tickTotal} and thread id {Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId}"); } _tickCount++; _timer.Enabled = true; Console.WriteLine("\n reStart Timer \n"); } else { Console.WriteLine("\n!!! END Stress test !!!\n"); _timer.Enabled = false; _waitForCallToEstablish.Set(); } } private int generateNumber(int min, int max) { var r = new Random(); Thread.Sleep(200); return (r.Next(min, max)); }
如果您只想要呼叫流量,可以使用 sipp,但这只是简单的 sip 呼叫,并不能真正反映实际的 Microsoft Lync 客户端。
据我所知,微软没有在 Lync 中提供任何负载测试工具。您必须根据您想要“模拟”的内容自己生成它们。
使用 UCMA 受信任的应用程序,您应该能够启动并使用大量用户端点来“模拟”常见的 lync 服务(如随机更改状态、拨打电话、发送 IM 等)。您必须自己创建这样的应用程序。