是否有人突然遇到用户尝试使用 as3salesforce.swc 从 Flex 应用程序连接到 salesforce.com 的登录错误?


App Domain = null
Api Server name = na3.salesforce.com
_internalServerUrl = https://na3.salesforce.com/services/Soap/u/14.0
loading the policy file: https://na3.salesforce.com/services/Soap/cross-domain.xml
Your application must be running on a https server in order to use https to communicate with salesforce.com!
login with creds
loading the policy file: https://na3.salesforce.com/services/crossdomain.xml
Your application must be running on a https server in order to use https to communicate with salesforce.com!
invoke login
intServerUrl is null
intServerUrl = https://na3.salesforce.com/services/Soap/u/14.0
_invoke login
'5A5D3012-7717-E3C2-9B39-FFBBFF1F1B47' producer set destination to 'DefaultHTTPS'.
Method name is: login
'direct_http_channel' channel endpoint set to http://localhost/pm_server/pm/
'5A5D3012-7717-E3C2-9B39-FFBBFF1F1B47' producer sending message 'E32C7199-72C1-B258-B483-FFBC1641173D'
'direct_http_channel' channel sending message:
  body = "<se:Envelope xmlns:se="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"><se:Header xmlns:sfns="urn:partner.soap.sforce.com"/><se:Body><login xmlns="urn:partner.soap.sforce.com" xmlns:ns1="sobject.partner.soap.sforce.com"><username>simon.palmer@dialectyx.com</username><password>******</password></login></se:Body></se:Envelope>"
  clientId = (null)
  contentType = "text/xml; charset=UTF-8"
  destination = "DefaultHTTPS"
  headers = (Object)#1
  httpHeaders = (Object)#2
    Accept = "text/xml"
    SOAPAction = """"
    X-Salesforce-No-500-SC = "true"
  messageId = "E32C7199-72C1-B258-B483-FFBC1641173D"
  method = "POST"
  recordHeaders = false
  timestamp = 0
  timeToLive = 0
  url = "https://na3.salesforce.com/services/Soap/u/14.0"
'5A5D3012-7717-E3C2-9B39-FFBBFF1F1B47' producer connected.
Method name is: login
Error: Ignoring policy file at https://na3.salesforce.com/crossdomain.xml due to meta-policy 'by-content-type'.

'5A5D3012-7717-E3C2-9B39-FFBBFF1F1B47' producer acknowledge of 'E32C7199-72C1-B258-B483-FFBC1641173D'.
responseType: Fault
Saleforce Soap Fault: sf:INVALID_LOGIN
INVALID_LOGIN: Invalid username, password, security token; or user locked out.
Comunication Error : sf:INVALID_LOGIN : INVALID_LOGIN: Invalid username, password, security token; or user locked out. : [object Object]

1 回答 1


显然没有其他人在 salesforce.com 之上构建 Flex 应用程序。


无论如何,我刚刚发现这是截至 2008 年 12 月 6 日在 salesforce.com 上的一个错误。问题是处理登录的脚本不能充分应对必要的重定向,因为 salesforce.com 服务器上的负载平衡。

应该可以通过 salesforce.com 的 api 的 www 前门使用 URL,例如...


其中 13 代表您所针对的 API 版本。但是,所有用户实际上都分配到了特定的服务器,因此前门应该将登录请求重定向到适当的位置,如果您来自 Flex,则不会。

一种解决方法是在 URL 中指定您的服务器,例如...



  1. 您正在分发您的应用程序,因此任何拥有 salesforce.com 企业帐户的人都可以登录或
  2. 由于某些内部负载平衡,您的帐户被移动(这就是发生在我身上的事情)


该错误(据我所知)是 www 路由没有充分重定向到您的主机服务器。最后的情报是它将“很快”修复。


于 2008-12-06T21:15:52.687 回答