I just played around a bit with jQAssistant v1.0.0 using the command line tool to scan a few JAR archives of my project like bin\jqassistant.cmd scan -f lib. Unfortunately, this creates a sub-graph for every jar that are only connected through a common :Directory node. For example, I get 15 nodes (:Type {name: "int"}) which is obviously not useful. Specifically, I cannot create any queries spanning the whole project that is divided in separate jars (e.g. layers, api, impl). So I get one :Archive node that contains an interface and three other :Archive nodes requiring that interface but with four different interface nodes having the same fqn.

Am I doing something wrong or is this not working across multiple JARs? Thanks in advance.


1 回答 1


此行为当前是有意的 - 如果从 CLI 扫描 JAR 文件,则不知道有关这些文件之间的依赖关系的信息。因此,类型解析的范围仅限于类所在的 JAR 文件的上下文。已经讨论过向 Java 扫描器添加一个配置属性,它可以对所有扫描的工件进行全局类型解析。


jqassistant.sh analyze -concepts classpath:Resolve


于 2015-11-26T16:28:46.780 回答