实现,但也可以使用 a 来执行此操作vector<char>
vector<char> buffer(2048); // whatever size you want, note: you'll need to somehow grow this if message length is greater...
size_t content = 0; // current content
// now the read operation;
void read() {
// This will cause asio to append from the last location
socket.async_read_some(boost::asio::buffer(buffer.data() + content, buffer.size() - content), [&](.. ec, size_t sz) {
if (ec) return; // some error
// Total content in the vector
content += sz;
auto is = begin(buffer);
auto ie = next(is, content); // end of the data region
// handle all the complete lines.
for (auto it = find(is, ie, '\n'); it != ie; it = find(is, ie, '\n')) {
// is -> it contains the message (excluding '\n')
handle(is, it);
// Skip the '\n'
it = next(it);
// Update the start of the next message
is = it;
// Update the remaining content
content -= distance(begin(buffer), is);
// Move the remaining data to the begining of the buffer
copy(is, ie, begin(buffer));
// Setup the next read