我正在使用 r 来分析以种族为属性的无向网络。我想创建一个关系账户表或“偏好矩阵”,一个方阵,其中种族值排列在两个维度上,每个单元格都告诉你有多少关系对应于这种关系类型。(因此,您可以由此计算一组与另一组建立联系的概率 - 但我只想将其用作 igraph 的preference.game 函数中的参数)。这是我尝试过的:
# I create a variable for ethnicity by assigning the names of my vertices to their corresponding ethnicities
eth <- atts$Ethnicity[match(V(mahmudNet)$name,atts$Actor)]
# I create an adjacency matrix from my network data
mat <- as.matrix(get.adjacency(mahmudNet))
# I create the dimensions for my preference matrix from the Ethnicity values
eth.value <- unique(sort(eth))
# I create an empty matrix using these dimensions
eth.mat <- array(NA,dim=c(length(eth.value),length(eth.value)))
# I create a function that will populate the empty cells of the matrix
for (i in eth.value){
for (j in eth.value){
eth.mat[i,j] <- sum(mat[eth==i,eth==j])
我想我的问题在最后。我需要找出一个表达式来告诉 R 如何填充单元格。我提出的表达似乎不起作用,但我想要它,以便有可能我可以去
a <- sum(mat[eth=="White", eth=="Black"])
# data frame with Ethnicity attributes:
Actor Ethnicity
1 Sultan Mahmud of Siak 2
2 Daeng Kemboja 1
3 Raja Kecik of Trengganu 1
4 Raja Alam 2
5 Tun Dalam 2
6 Raja Haji 1
7 The Suliwatang 1
8 Punggawa Miskin 1
9 Tengku Selangor 1
10 Tengku Raja Said 1
11 Datuk Bendahara 2
12 VOC 3
13 King of Selangor 1
14 Dutch at Batavia 3
15 Punggawa Tua 2
16 Raja Tua Encik Andak 1
17 Raja Indera Bungsu 2
18 Sultan of Jambi 2
19 David Boelen 3
20 Datuk Temenggong 2
21 Punggawa Opu Nasti 1
# adjacency matrix with relations
Daeng Kemboja Punggawa Opu Nasti Raja Haji Daeng Cellak
Daeng Kemboja 0 1 1 1
Punggawa Opu Nasti 1 0 1 0
Raja Haji 1 1 0 0
Daeng Cellak 1 0 0 0
Daeng Kecik 1 0 0 0
Daeng Kecik
Daeng Kemboja 1
Punggawa Opu Nasti 0
Raja Haji 0
Daeng Cellak 0
Daeng Kecik 0