根据您的描述,在任何给定的帧中都有 6 个状态:
- 当前 lerp 的开始时间
- 勒普时间跨度
- 当前方向
- 当前时间
- 起始值
- 终值
function progressValue(startTime, lerpSpanSeconds, dir,
currentTime X, Y, dir, currentTime) {
// lerp
return 0.42;
对于 requestAnimationFrame,您需要一个简单的回调来传入. 也就是说,函数必须知道它所需要的一切,除了它在运行时可以获得的东西。在这里,当它运行时,它只需要获取当前时间并从那里处理其余部分。
function animableThing() {
var startTime = 7;
var lerpSpanSeconds = 3;
var dir = +1;
var X = 0;
var Y = 1;
var currentTime = GetCurrentUnicornTime();
var thingToAnimate = document.getElementById('myAnimableElement');
var progress = progressValue(startTime, lerpSpanSeconds, dir,
currentTime, X, Y, dir, currentTime);
// reverse when we hit the end
if(progress > Y) {
dir *= -1;
startTime = currentTime;
progress = Y;
DrawAnimationThing(thingToAnimate, progress);
// continue the animation
function MotherOfAnimableThings(startTime, lerpSpanSeconds, dir, X, Y,
// Passed in variables have scope outside the animableThing, these
// will be private to the animableThing function.
// Consider defaulting or validation here
// Construct a new function freshly each time the Mother is called,
// and return it to the caller. Note that we assign a variable here
// so that we can re-call RequestAnimationFrame to continue the loop
var callback = (function() {
var currentTime = GetCurrentUnicornTime();
var progress = progressValue(startTime, lerpSpanSeconds, dir,
currentTime, X, Y, dir, currentTime);
// reverse when we hit the end
if(progress > Y) {
dir *= -1;
startTime = currentTime;
progress = Y;
DrawAnimationThing(thingToAnimate, progress);
return callback;
有了上面,我们只需要调用 Mother 来创建一个animableThing
函数并用它调用 RequestAnimationFrame。从那时起,它在内部调用 RequestAnimationFrame 以继续循环。
var animableThing = MotherOfAnimableThings(...);
// ... later
animableThing.stop = true; // it should stop on the next frame