我一直在研究使用 Xcode Server 进行 CI。我已经解决了一些问题,但现在有一个问题困扰着我。
2015-11-25 14:44:45.650 xcodebuild[58280:821560] iPhoneSimulator: D7097422-C058-44DB-A275-CE1A44B11023: Executable terminated at path: /Applications/Xcode7.1.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/Library/Xcode/Agents/xctest (status = 6)
Sampling process 58280 for 10 seconds with 1 millisecond of run time between samples
Sampling completed, processing symbols...
Sample analysis of process 58280 written to file /Library/Developer/XcodeServer/Integrations/Integration-269b1638e732255aefa82f1688077c72/58280.sample
sample[59879]: sample cannot find any existing process you have access to which has a name like 'Interface Builder Cocoa Touch Tool'; try running with `sudo`.
sample[59880]: sample cannot find any existing process you have access to which has a name like 'ibtool'; try running with `sudo`.
sample[59881]: sample cannot find any existing process you have access to which has a name like 'ibtoold'; try running with `sudo`.
该服务器正在运行 OS X 10.10.5(目前还不能升级到 El Capitan)、OS X Server 5.5.15 和许多 Xcode 版本,但选择了 Xcode 7.1(这是该服务器上可用的最新版本)。
链接到这个问题的这个问题声称有一个解决方案,但是唉,它们没有帮助,而且设置似乎略有不同。所以是的,钥匙串已解锁并可供 Xcode 服务器使用,并且服务器已重新启动。