- FlinkKafka消费者
- Thrift 反序列化器
为了了解瓶颈在哪里,我会首先测量 Flink 从 Kafka 主题读取的原始读取性能。
public class RawKafka {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RawKafka.class);
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
ParameterTool parameterTool = ParameterTool.fromArgs(args);
DataStream<byte[]> dataStream4 = env.addSource(new FlinkKafkaConsumer081<>("data_4", new RawSchema(), parameterTool.getProperties())).setParallelism(1);
dataStream4.flatMap(new FlatMapFunction<byte[], Integer>() {
long received = 0;
long logfreq = 50000;
long lastLog = -1;
long lastElements = 0;
public void flatMap(byte[] element, Collector<Integer> collector) throws Exception {
if (received % logfreq == 0) {
// throughput over entire time
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
// throughput for the last "logfreq" elements
if(lastLog == -1) {
// init (the first)
lastLog = now;
lastElements = received;
} else {
long timeDiff = now - lastLog;
long elementDiff = received - lastElements;
double ex = (1000/(double)timeDiff);
LOG.info("During the last {} ms, we received {} elements. That's {} elements/second/core. GB received {}",
timeDiff, elementDiff, elementDiff*ex, (received * 2500) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024);
// reinit
lastLog = now;
lastElements = received;
env.execute("Raw kafka throughput");
此代码测量来自 Kafka 的 50k 个元素之间的时间,并记录从 Kafka 读取的元素数量。在我的本地机器上,我的吞吐量约为 330k 个元素/核心/秒:
16:09:34,028 INFO RawKafka - During the last 88 ms, we received 30000 elements. That's 340909.0909090909 elements/second/core. GB received 0
16:09:34,028 INFO RawKafka - During the last 86 ms, we received 30000 elements. That's 348837.20930232556 elements/second/core. GB received 0
16:09:34,028 INFO RawKafka - During the last 85 ms, we received 30000 elements. That's 352941.17647058825 elements/second/core. GB received 0
16:09:34,028 INFO RawKafka - During the last 88 ms, we received 30000 elements. That's 340909.0909090909 elements/second/core. GB received 0
16:09:34,030 INFO RawKafka - During the last 90 ms, we received 30000 elements. That's 333333.3333333333 elements/second/core. GB received 0
16:09:34,030 INFO RawKafka - During the last 91 ms, we received 30000 elements. That's 329670.3296703297 elements/second/core. GB received 0
16:09:34,030 INFO RawKafka - During the last 85 ms, we received 30000 elements. That's 352941.17647058825 elements/second/core. GB received 0
我真的很想看看您从 Kafka 读取的吞吐量是多少。