我在我的应用程序中使用番石榴缓存来提高性能。我使用LoadingCache中的putAll API 在缓存中插入了 850 个条目。我配置的最大缓存大小是 20K 条目。我正在使用测试类TestCacheSize测试缓存大小:

public class MetadataCacheKey{
    // implementation

public class Metadata{
    // implementation

public class MetadataCacheLoader extends CacheLoader<MetadataCacheKey, Optional<Metadata>> {
     * Guava cache does not support null values in cache. So null response from metadata source is wrapped in Optional
     * and loaded in cache. This reduces look ups for keys which are not present in source.
    public Optional<Metadata> load(@NonNull MetadataCacheKey key) throws Exception {
        return Optional.fromNullable(loadMetadataFromSource(key));
    private Metadata loadMetadataFromSource(MetadataCacheKey key) {
        // implementation

public class TestCacheSize {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        LoadingCache<MetadataCacheKey, Optional<Metadata>> metadataCache = CacheBuilder.from(
                "expireAfterWrite=4h,maximumSize=20000").build(new MetadataCacheLoader());
        System.out.println(metadataCache.size());         // output is 9467 (amusing)
        System.out.println(metadataCache.asMap().size()); // output is 850  (as expected)
    // assume always returns map with size equal to 850
    private static Map<MetadataCacheKey, Optional<Metadata>>  getAllMetadataFromDb(){
        return new HashMap<MetadataCacheKey, Optional<Metadata>>();


size 返回缓存中的近似条目数。

任何人都可以提供有关 850 到 9467 如何作为近似值的见解吗?


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