我需要使用 Hmisc 包将表中的标题旋转 90 度。我尝试更改“colnamesTexCmd”命令,但列标题没有任何变化。
title: ""
author: ""
date: "November 20, 2015"
- \usepackage{longtable, colortbl, xcolor, lscape, rotating, ctable}
output: rmarkdown::tufte_handout
```{r tableDescStatTest, results ='asis', echo=FALSE, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE, include=TRUE}
DescTableTest <- summary(Species ~ Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width,
data = iris,
method = "reverse",
test = T,
continuous = 0)
# fuction to take the first row of comment from the latex output
mylatex <- function (...) {
o <- capture.output(latex(...))
# this will strip /all/ line-only comments; or if you're only
# interested in stripping the first such comment you could
# adjust accordingly
o <- grep('^%', o, inv=T, value=T)
cat(o, sep='\n')
# render the table
options(digits = 1)
exclude1 = FALSE,
colnamesTexCmd = "rotatebox{90}",
npct = 'numerator',
npct.size = "footnotesize",
what = c('%'),
landscape = FALSE,
file = "",
long = T,
middle.bold = TRUE,
longtable = FALSE,
overall = TRUE,
label = "tbl:descTable1",
prmsd = FALSE,
caption = "Descriptive statistics",
caption.loc = 'bottom',
where = "!htbp")