@helper NavItem() {
@* here is the code to comment *@
Both of the following work
This is a comment
@//This is another comment
With the new Beta of MVC 3 out the old methods of highlighting won't work.
//This is a comment
This is a multi
line comment
This is a comment, as well
Is the updated method @//This is a comment
and @/* */
will no longer work.
在 .cshtml 文件中,只需按cntrl+k和cntrl+c,您会看到 Visual Studio 自动添加注释。(或者,cntrl_k和cntrl+u用于取消注释。)或者如果您想手动编写它, 只是继续
@* Your Code *@
如果它在您看来,您不能使用标准的 HTML<!-- ... //-->
或 .NET 样式<%-- .. --%>