是否可以在 java 的接口内部有一个内部类???
7 回答
You can. But here's what O'Reilly says about it:
Nested Classes in Interfaces?
Java supports the concept of nested classes in interfaces. The syntax and dynamics work just like nested classes declared in a class. However, declaring a class nested inside an interface would be extremely bad programming. An interface is an abstraction of a concept, not an implementation of one. Therefore, implementation details should be left out of interfaces. Remember, just because you can cut off your hand with a saw doesn't mean that it's a particularly good idea.
That said, I could see an argument for a static utility class nested into an interface. Though why it would need to be nested into the interface instead of being a stand-alone class is completely subjective.
public interface ComplexOperationService {
ComplexOperationResponse doComplexOperation( String param1, Object param2 );
public static class ComplexOperationResponse {
public int completionCode;
public String completionMessage;
public List<Object> data;
// Or use private members & getters if you like...
显然,这也可以在一个单独的类中完成,但对我来说,感觉就像我将接口定义的整个 API 保持在一个位置,而不是分散开来。
Yes, it is possible but it is not common practice.
interface Test
class Inner
{ }
class TestImpl implements Test
public static void main(String[] arg)
Inner inner = new Inner();
不直接回答您的问题,但在相关说明中,您还可以将一个接口嵌套在另一个接口中。这是可以接受的,特别是如果您想提供意见。Java 的集合类执行此操作,例如Map.java
public interface Map<K,V> {
public static interface Entry<K,V> {
Yes. Straight from the language spec:
An inner class is a nested class that is not explicitly or implicitly declared
And (boldface mine):
A nested class is any class whose declaration occurs within the body of another class or interface.
public interface MyInterface {
public enum Type { ONE, TWO, THREE }
public Type getType();
public enum Status { GOOD, BAD, UNKNOWN }
public Status getStatus();
DigitalObject o = new DigitalObject.Builder(content).title(name).build();