I am currently in the process of writing a WebApp to access reports from our ICCube-System. The Application page is hosted on a server different to the IcCube-server. The server is currently a local Apache server (xampp) using Basic Auth to authenticate users before they can access my htdocs. I would like my Apache to do the authentication while icCube's internal authorization manages report access, with only a single login being required.
My application is based on the live demo for web reporting provided by IcCube; therefore it's using explicit JavaScript authentication (it's getting the demo user data through ic3.getDemoDataSourceSettings()).
After trying to work through the IcCube documentation on the matter, I am just as confused as before. The related page on Apache configuration lists possible configurations for Apache & icCube, but I don't understand which I should use (advantages & disadvantages) and if all of them even work with our server setup.
- Apache Configuration Overview: If I set these proxy parameters in my server config, what exactly is forwarded to IcCube?
- icCube Authentication Servlet Filter: Does this config extract belong to IcCube or Apache? What exactly are these filters doing?
Any help with the issue or pointers to a more in-depth documentation would be greatly appreciated.