我已经尝试了很多事情,但是无论我在测试中做什么(只是发送一个 PUT 请求来“创建用户”),日志都不会输入任何 pathPrefix 并且只是走到最后并且无法匹配任何内容。



package system

import akka.actor.{Props, ActorRef, ActorLogging}
import akka.util.Timeout
import spray.http.HttpHeader
import spray.routing.directives.OnCompleteFutureMagnet
import spray.routing.{RequestContext, HttpServiceActor, Route}
import spray.http.StatusCodes._

import scala.concurrent.duration._

import akka.pattern.ask

import system.F_BackBone._

import scala.util.{Failure, Success}

import language.postfixOps

class F_Listener(backbone: ActorRef) extends HttpServiceActor with ActorLogging {
  import context.dispatcher

  implicit val timeout = Timeout(5 seconds)

  log.debug("beginning user log\n")

  //TODO write the main listener spawner that acts as the main spray server and binds these listeners to connections
  //TODO must watch the spray side http server actor and die with it

  val route: Route = { uri =>
    log.debug("request received " + uri.unmatchedPath)

    pathPrefix("data") { req =>
      log.debug("data path detected " + req.unmatchedPath + "\n")
      get {
        genericGet(req, GetImage) //URIs for actual data like pictures
      } ~
        path("uploadimage") {
          put { req =>
    } ~
    pathPrefix("user") { req =>
      log.debug("user path detected" + req.unmatchedPath + "\n")
      get {
        genericGet(req, GetUserInfo)
      } ~
        post {
          genericPost(req, req.request.headers, UpdateUserData)
        } ~
        delete {
          genericDelete(req, DeleteUser)
      pathPrefix("newuser") {
        put { req =>
    } ~
    pathPrefix("page") { req =>
      log.debug("page path detected" + "\n")
      get {
        genericGet(req, GetPageInfo)
      } ~
        post {
          genericPost(req, req.request.headers, UpdatePageData)
        } ~
        delete {
          genericDelete(req, DeletePage)
      path("newpage") {
        put { req =>
    } ~
    pathPrefix("profile") { req =>
      log.debug("profile path detected" + "\n")
      get {
        genericGet(req, GetProfileInfo)
      } ~ //no need for "createprofile" they are created with the user and can be accessed through the JSON returned with that creation
        post {
          genericPost(req, req.request.headers, UpdateProfileData)
        } //no need to delete profile, deleted with user
    } ~
    pathPrefix("picture") { req =>
      log.debug("picture path detected" + "\n")
      get {
        genericGet(req, GetPictureInfo)
      } ~ //same as for profile, when you upload an image the picture JSON is created
        post {
          genericPost(req, req.request.headers, UpdateImageData)
        } ~
        delete {
          genericDelete(req, DeletePicture)
    } ~
    pathPrefix("album") { req =>
      log.debug("album path detected" + "\n")
      get {
        genericGet(req, GetAlbumInfo)
      } ~
        post {
          genericPost(req, req.request.headers, UpdateAlbumData)
        } ~
        delete {
          genericDelete(req, DeleteAlbum)
      path("createalbum") {
        put { req =>
    log.error("no path matched" + "\n")
    complete(NotFound, "That resource does not exist")

   * goes inside of a spray routing "get" and completes the passed message to the backbone given the id
   * it internally converts the remaining request path to a bigint, if this fails it completes with a failure
   * @param req the reques who contains the string to be converted to bigint as an ID
   * @param messageConstructor the case class message (constructor but can be passed with sugar) to compose the bigint into
   * @return returns a route for thed spray routing to go through and side effects the complete needed
  def genericGet(req: RequestContext, messageConstructor: (BigInt) => GetInfo): Route = {
    val id = req.unmatchedPath.toString

    if (!id.contains("/")) { //if this is the last element only
      try {
        val idBig = BigInt(id)
        onComplete(OnCompleteFutureMagnet((backbone ? messageConstructor.apply(idBig)).mapTo[String])) {
          case Success(entityJson) =>
            log.info("get completed successfully: " + messageConstructor + " " + "for " + idBig)
          case Failure(ex) =>
            log.error(ex, "get failed: " + messageConstructor + " for " + idBig)
            complete(InternalServerError, "Request could not be completed: \n" + ex.getMessage)
      } catch {
        case e: NumberFormatException =>
          log.info("illegally formatted id requested: " + id)
          complete(BadRequest, "Numbers are formatted incorrectly")
    else reject

   * same as above but for posts, I treid to write a more generic function to repeat rewriting code but it ended up just not being worth the thought
   * @param req request who contains id to parse to bigint
   * @param args arguments to change
   * @param messageConstructor the message to send
   * @return
  def genericPost(req: RequestContext, args: List[HttpHeader], messageConstructor: (BigInt, List[HttpHeader]) => PostInfo) = {
    val id = req.unmatchedPath.toString

    if (!id.contains("/")) {
      try {
        val idBig = BigInt(id)
        onComplete(OnCompleteFutureMagnet((backbone ? messageConstructor.apply(idBig, args)).mapTo[String])) {
          case Success(newEntityJson) =>
            log.info("post completed successfully: " + messageConstructor + " for " + idBig)
          case Failure(ex) =>
            log.error(ex, "get failed: " + messageConstructor + " for " + idBig)
            complete(InternalServerError, "Request could not be completed: \n" + ex.getMessage)
      } catch {
        case e: NumberFormatException =>
          log.info("illegally formatted id requested: " + id)
          complete(BadRequest, "Numbers are formatted incorrectly")
    else reject

   * same as above except no need to parse a special message since the path tells all and this is for putting, so the fully constructed message gets passed here
   * @param message constructed message to send to the backbone for handling
   * @return
  def genericPut(message: PutInfo) = {
    pathEnd {
      onComplete(OnCompleteFutureMagnet((backbone ? message).mapTo[String])) {
        case Success(newEntityJson) =>
          log.info("put completed successfully: " + message)
        case Failure(ex) =>
          log.error(ex, "put failed: " + message)
          complete(InternalServerError, "Error putting entity: " + ex.getMessage)

   * almost identical to get, should probobly only be one function
   * @param req identical
   * @param messageConstructor identical
   * @return route
  def genericDelete(req: RequestContext, messageConstructor: (BigInt) => DeleteInfo) = {
    val id = req.unmatchedPath.toString

    if (!id.contains("/")) {
      try {
        val idBig = BigInt(id)
        onComplete(OnCompleteFutureMagnet((backbone ? messageConstructor.apply(idBig)).mapTo[String])) {
          case Success(newEntityJson) =>
            log.info("delete completed successfully: " + messageConstructor + " for " + idBig)
          case Failure(ex) =>
            log.error(ex, "get failed: " + messageConstructor + " for " + idBig)
            complete(InternalServerError, "Request could not be completed: \n" + ex.getMessage)
      } catch {
        case e: NumberFormatException =>
          log.info("illegally formatted id requested: " + id)
          complete(BadRequest, "Numbers are formatted incorrectly")
    else reject

  override def receive = runRoute(route)

object F_Listener {
  def props(backbone: ActorRef) = Props(new F_Listener(backbone))

/*ideas for speed improvements:
parse out arguments before passing to backbone (might help with scaling to distributed system)
genericDelete, Post, Put, and Get are all pretty similar, some functional composition is probobly possible, esp for delete and get

import akka.testkit.TestActorRef
import org.scalatest.{WordSpec}
import spray.http.HttpHeaders
import spray.testkit.ScalatestRouteTest
import system.F_Listener

class FakebookRoutingTests extends WordSpec with ScalatestRouteTest {
  val route = TestActorRef(new F_Listener(null)).underlyingActor.route
  //implicit val host = DefaultHostInfo(HttpHeaders.Host("fake.fakebook.com"), false)

  "the route" should {

    "succeed on path to create a user" in {
      Put("/user/newuser") ~> route ~> check {


1 回答 1


删除有req =>帮助。如果我没记错的话,put,getpost不要为指令提供任何参数。也一样pathuri =>可能还需要移除。


如果req =>要留下,则应在该对象上调用完成请求的所有调用。因此,例如,而不是complete(entityJson)应该req.complete(entityJson)在最顶层的上下文对象上。


于 2015-11-20T14:11:38.600 回答