private class Node {
private int key; // the key field
private Object data; // the rest of the data item
private Node left; // reference to the left child/subtree
private Node right; // reference to the right child/subtree
private Node parent; // reference to the parent
.. 等等。
这是带有 next() 和 hasNext() 方法的中序迭代器:
private class inorderIterator implements LinkedTreeIterator {
private Node nextNode;
private inorderIterator() {
// The traversal starts with the root node.
nextNode = root;
if(nextNode == null)
while (nextNode.left != null)
nextNode = nextNode.left;
public boolean hasNext() {
return (nextNode != null);
public int next() {
throw new NoSuchElementException();
Node r = nextNode;
if (nextNode.right != null) {
nextNode = nextNode.right;
while (nextNode.left != null) {
nextNode = nextNode.left;
return r.key;
} else while (true) {
if (nextNode.parent == null) {
nextNode = null;
return r.key;
if (nextNode.parent.left == nextNode) {
nextNode = nextNode.parent;
return r.key;
nextNode = nextNode.parent;
return r.key;
问题是,它只打印左子树上的左节点。例如,对于具有根节点 17、左节点 15 和右节点 19 的树,它只打印 15。
我猜问题出在这else while (true)