My EF query is supposed to be sorting by the date of the first Product in the list, but for some reason, it only sorts most of the products and some of the dates are in the wrong order.
Here's the code...
using (var context = new SalesEntities())
var groupedData = context.s84_Schedule.AsExpandable()
.GroupBy(c => new { c.CustomerID, c.s84_Customer.CustomerName, c.SubdivisionID, c.s84_Subdivision.SubdivisionName, c.LotNumber })
.Select(grouped => new s84_Report_Project_POCO
CustomerID = grouped.Key.CustomerID,
CustomerName = grouped.Key.CustomerName,
SubdivisionID = grouped.Key.SubdivisionID,
SubdivisionName = grouped.Key.SubdivisionName,
LotNumber = grouped.Key.LotNumber,
Products = grouped.Select(x => new s84_Report_Project_Product
ProductID = x.ProductID,
ProductName = x.s84_Product.ProductName,
ProductDate = x.CustomerExpectedDate,
FieldRepID = x.FieldRepID,
FieldRepName = x.s84_FieldRep.FieldRepName,
InstallerID = x.InstallerID,
InstallerName = x.s84_Installer.InstallerName,
StatusID = x.StatusID,
StatusColor = x.s84_Status.StatusColor,
StatusName = x.s84_Status.StatusName,
Completed = x.Completed
var finalList = groupedData.ToList().Where(x => x.Products.Last().Completed == false).ToList();
List<s84_Report_Project_POCO> lst = finalList.OrderBy(x => x.Products.First().ProductDate).ToList();
return lst;
Code seems good to me, but look at how one of the dates is out of order...