
My EF query is supposed to be sorting by the date of the first Product in the list, but for some reason, it only sorts most of the products and some of the dates are in the wrong order.

Here's the code...

using (var context = new SalesEntities())
   var groupedData = context.s84_Schedule.AsExpandable()
      .GroupBy(c => new { c.CustomerID, c.s84_Customer.CustomerName, c.SubdivisionID, c.s84_Subdivision.SubdivisionName, c.LotNumber })
      .Select(grouped => new s84_Report_Project_POCO
         CustomerID = grouped.Key.CustomerID,
         CustomerName = grouped.Key.CustomerName,
         SubdivisionID = grouped.Key.SubdivisionID,
         SubdivisionName = grouped.Key.SubdivisionName,
         LotNumber = grouped.Key.LotNumber,
         Products = grouped.Select(x => new s84_Report_Project_Product
            ProductID = x.ProductID,
            ProductName = x.s84_Product.ProductName,
            ProductDate = x.CustomerExpectedDate,
            FieldRepID = x.FieldRepID,
            FieldRepName = x.s84_FieldRep.FieldRepName,
            InstallerID = x.InstallerID,
            InstallerName = x.s84_Installer.InstallerName,
            StatusID = x.StatusID,
            StatusColor = x.s84_Status.StatusColor,
            StatusName = x.s84_Status.StatusName,
            Completed = x.Completed

   var finalList = groupedData.ToList().Where(x => x.Products.Last().Completed == false).ToList();

   List<s84_Report_Project_POCO> lst = finalList.OrderBy(x => x.Products.First().ProductDate).ToList();
   return lst;

Code seems good to me, but look at how one of the dates is out of order...

weird sorting http://www.84sales.com/weird_sort.png


3 回答 3



var groupedData = context.s84_Schedule.AsExpandable()
                              .GroupBy(c => new { c.CustomerID,
                                                  c.LotNumber })
                              .Select(grouped => new s84_Report_Project_POCO
                                  CustomerID = grouped.Key.CustomerID,
                                  CustomerName = grouped.Key.CustomerName,
                                  SubdivisionID = grouped.Key.SubdivisionID,
                                  SubdivisionName = grouped.Key.SubdivisionName,
                                  LotNumber = grouped.Key.LotNumber,
                                  Products = grouped
                                    .Select(x => new s84_Report_Project_Product
                                      ProductID = x.ProductID,
                                      ProductName = x.s84_Product.ProductName,
                                      ProductDate = x.CustomerExpectedDate,
                                      FieldRepID = x.FieldRepID,
                                      FieldRepName = x.s84_FieldRep.FieldRepName,
                                      InstallerID = x.InstallerID,
                                      InstallerName = x.s84_Installer.InstallerName,
                                      StatusID = x.StatusID,
                                      StatusColor = x.s84_Status.StatusColor,
                                      StatusName = x.s84_Status.StatusName,
                                      Completed = x.Completed
                                  }).OrderBy(x => x.CustomerExpectedDate).ToList()
于 2015-11-18T16:29:24.253 回答


using (var context = PrimaryConnection.returnNewConnection())
            var groupedData = context.s84_Schedule.AsExpandable()
                              .GroupBy(c => new { c.CustomerID, c.s84_Customer.CustomerName, c.SubdivisionID, c.s84_Subdivision.SubdivisionName, c.LotNumber })
                              .Select(grouped => new s84_Report_Project_POCO
                                  CustomerID = grouped.Key.CustomerID,
                                  CustomerName = grouped.Key.CustomerName,
                                  SubdivisionID = grouped.Key.SubdivisionID,
                                  SubdivisionName = grouped.Key.SubdivisionName,
                                  LotNumber = grouped.Key.LotNumber,
                                  Products = grouped
                                    .Select(x => new s84_Report_Project_Product
                                      ProductID = x.ProductID,
                                      ProductName = x.s84_Product.ProductName,
                                      ProductDate = x.CustomerExpectedDate,
                                      FieldRepID = x.FieldRepID,
                                      FieldRepName = x.s84_FieldRep.FieldRepName,
                                      InstallerID = x.InstallerID,
                                      InstallerName = x.s84_Installer.InstallerName,
                                      StatusID = x.StatusID,
                                      StatusColor = x.s84_Status.StatusColor,
                                      StatusName = x.s84_Status.StatusName,
                                      Completed = x.Completed
                                  }).Orderby(t => t.CustomerExpectedDate).ToList()

            var finalList = groupedData.ToList().Where(x => x.Products.Last().Completed == false).ToList();

            List<s84_Report_Project_POCO> lst = finalList.OrderBy(x => x.Products.First().ProductDate).ToList();
于 2015-11-18T16:43:12.753 回答

所有 SQL 查询(以及因此附加到 SQL 数据库时的 Linq 查询)具有随机顺序,除非您对它们进行排序。

产品未排序 - 因此它具有随机顺序。您按 Products.First() 排序,但 Products 具有随机顺序,因此您的排序也将是随机的。


  Products = grouped.Select(....)
                    .OrderBy(x => x.ProductDate)
于 2015-11-18T16:52:09.677 回答