I am working with the Node-RED editor on Bluemix, and am trying to execute rules that are deployed to the Business Rules service. How do I do so?
182 次
1 回答
我发现我必须将应用程序绑定到 Bluemix 上的 Business Rules 服务实例。然后,在 Node-RED 流编辑器中,我使用了一个 http 请求节点,并使用从 Bluemix 控制台上的 Details 页面检索到的规则集的值定义了以下属性:
Method: POST
URL: https://brsv2-12345678.ng.bluemix.net/DecisionService/rest/MyRuleApp/1.0/myrules/1.0
"Use basic authentication?" checked
Username: resAdmin
Password: <password>
Return: a parsed JSON object
于 2015-11-16T23:19:10.720 回答