Website development: desired a universal font - chose to link to google online font resource (rightly or wrongly).

Tested doc in W3C mobileOK Checker.... it listed:

Invalid certificates will be rejected by mobile browsers, de facto preventing the rendering of the page. How? This usually means that the certificate could not be retrieved or that the cryptographic algorithm used for the key exchange is not widely supported. Where? Triggered by https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans+Condensed:700. Triggered by https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto+Condensed:700. Triggered by (3rd link)fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:400,500,700,900.

Defacto prevents page rendering!

I am aware that some Wc3 alerts are purely advisory, but this one is listed as severe.

Numerous sources suggested Roboto was good for browser coverage(?) but what to do?

Can I download the fonts to my site?

Is it a phantom problem that doesn't exist?

This must affect vast numbers of people, yet there is no info on stackoverflow (or anywhere).

Does anybody know the truth behind these apparent severe errors.... and what is the solution, when attempting to specify a universal font?


1 回答 1


mobileOK Checker 无法检索运行测试所需的某些资源

基本上,mobileOK 检查器似乎配置不正确。他们没有提供足够的信息来确切地知道原因。

https://fonts.googleapis.comSSL 报告显示它支持许多不太安全的功能,这通常意味着支持旧版浏览器。


于 2015-11-16T21:35:58.607 回答