cell.bodyText.numberOfLines = 0

cell.bodyText.text = newsBody

I set the number of lines to 0 because the number of lines can vary (I am retrieving news articles and since every news article is obviously different in length, numberOfLines is 0)

If I do not use sizeToFit() after assinging newsBody to the label, and check the label height (cell.bodyText.frame.size.height), I get really large numbers (when I tested it, an article that had 25 lines of text, the height was apparently 4000). If I use sizeToFitand then check the height, I get 21 no matter how short or long the label is. (21 is the height I set the UILabel in the storyboard).

How can I get an accurate representation of how many lines are in the UILabel or even just the height of the label?


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于 2015-11-15T22:39:58.423 回答