编辑:这是一个全新的解决方案,不使用临时表或奇怪的子子子查询。但是,它只适用于 SQL 2005 或更高版本,因为它使用了该版本中新增的“pivot”命令。
基本问题是从一组行(在数据中)到输出中的列的所需枢轴。在思考这个问题时,我回忆起 SQL Server 现在有一个“枢轴”运算符来处理这个问题。
这仅适用于 SQL 2005 ,使用 Northwind 示例数据。
-- This could be a parameter to a stored procedure
-- I picked this one because he has products that he ordered 4 or more times
declare @customerId nchar(5)
set @customerId = 'ERNSH'
select c.CustomerID, p.ProductName, products_ordered_by_cust.FirstOrderYear,
latest_order_dates_pivot.LatestOrder1 as LatestOrderDate,
latest_order_dates_pivot.LatestOrder2 as SecondLatestOrderDate,
latest_order_dates_pivot.LatestOrder3 as ThirdLatestOrderDate,
'If I had a comment field it would go here' as LatestOrderComment,
isnull(last_year_revenue_sum.ItemGrandTotal, 0) as LastYearIncome
-- Find all products ordered by customer, along with first year product was ordered
select c.CustomerID, od.ProductID,
datepart(year, min(o.OrderDate)) as FirstOrderYear
from Customers c
join Orders o on o.CustomerID = c.CustomerID
join [Order Details] od on od.OrderID = o.OrderID
group by c.CustomerID, od.ProductID
) products_ordered_by_cust
-- Find the grand total for product purchased within last year - note fudged date below (Northwind)
join (
select o.CustomerID, od.ProductID,
sum(cast(round((od.UnitPrice * od.Quantity) - ((od.UnitPrice * od.Quantity) * od.Discount), 2) as money)) as ItemGrandTotal
Orders o
join [Order Details] od on od.OrderID = o.OrderID
-- The Northwind database only contains orders from 1998 and earlier, otherwise I would just use getdate()
where datediff(yy, o.OrderDate, dateadd(year, -10, getdate())) = 0
group by o.CustomerID, od.ProductID
) last_year_revenue_sum on last_year_revenue_sum.CustomerID = products_ordered_by_cust.CustomerID
and last_year_revenue_sum.ProductID = products_ordered_by_cust.ProductID
-- THIS is where the magic happens. I will walk through the individual pieces for you
join (
select CustomerID, ProductID,
max([1]) as LatestOrder1,
max([2]) as LatestOrder2,
max([3]) as LatestOrder3
-- For all orders matching the customer and product, assign them a row number based on the order date, descending
-- So, the most recent is row # 1, next is row # 2, etc.
select o.CustomerID, od.ProductID, o.OrderID, o.OrderDate,
row_number() over (partition by o.CustomerID, od.ProductID order by o.OrderDate desc) as RowNumber
from Orders o join [Order Details] od on o.OrderID = od.OrderID
) src
-- Now, produce a pivot table that contains the first three row #s from our result table,
-- pivoted into columns by customer and product
for RowNumber in ([1], [2], [3])
) as pvt
group by CustomerID, ProductID
) latest_order_dates_pivot on products_ordered_by_cust.CustomerID = latest_order_dates_pivot.CustomerID
and products_ordered_by_cust.ProductID = latest_order_dates_pivot.ProductID
-- Finally, join back to our other tables to get more details
join Customers c on c.CustomerID = products_ordered_by_cust.CustomerID
join Orders o on o.CustomerID = products_ordered_by_cust.CustomerID and o.OrderDate = latest_order_dates_pivot.LatestOrder1
join [Order Details] od on od.OrderID = o.OrderID and od.ProductID = products_ordered_by_cust.ProductID
join Products p on p.ProductID = products_ordered_by_cust.ProductID
where c.CustomerID = @customerId
order by CustomerID, p.ProductID