我使用Apache Spark ML (版本 1.5.1)中的NaiveBayes分类器来预测一些文本类别。但是,分类器输出的标签与我的训练集中的标签不同。我做错了吗?
这是一个可以粘贴到例如 Zeppelin 笔记本中的小示例:
import org.apache.spark.ml.Pipeline
import org.apache.spark.ml.classification.NaiveBayes
import org.apache.spark.ml.feature.{HashingTF, Tokenizer}
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vector
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
// Prepare training documents from a list of (id, text, label) tuples.
val training = sqlContext.createDataFrame(Seq(
(0L, "X totally sucks :-(", 100.0),
(1L, "Today was kind of meh", 200.0),
(2L, "I'm so happy :-)", 300.0)
)).toDF("id", "text", "label")
// Configure an ML pipeline, which consists of three stages: tokenizer, hashingTF, and lr.
val tokenizer = new Tokenizer()
val hashingTF = new HashingTF()
val nb = new NaiveBayes()
val pipeline = new Pipeline()
.setStages(Array(tokenizer, hashingTF, nb))
// Fit the pipeline to training documents.
val model = pipeline.fit(training)
// Prepare test documents, which are unlabeled (id, text) tuples.
val test = sqlContext.createDataFrame(Seq(
(4L, "roller coasters are fun :-)"),
(5L, "i burned my bacon :-("),
(6L, "the movie is kind of meh")
)).toDF("id", "text")
// Make predictions on test documents.
.select("id", "text", "prediction")
.foreach { case Row(id: Long, text: String, prediction: Double) =>
println(s"($id, $text) --> prediction=$prediction")
(4, roller coasters are fun :-)) --> prediction=2.0
(5, i burned my bacon :-() --> prediction=0.0
(6, the movie is kind of meh) --> prediction=1.0
预测标签集 {0.0, 1.0, 2.0} 与我的训练集标签 {100.0, 200.0, 300.0} 不相交。