我开始使用雅虎的免费天气 API 来获取我需要的天气数据,但似乎每次我请求城市天气数据时,我都有可能获得更新数据或返回 1 到 8 天的旧数据。

这是我提出请求的简单 URL: 单击此处查看示例请求

YQL 查询很简单,它请求纽约市的天气数据:

select * from weather.forecast where woeid in (select woeid from geo.places(1) where text="New York")

但是每次我刷新那个 URL 时,我可能会得到一个完全不同的结果。例如,我现在确实刷新了几次(现在是 2015 年 11 月 13 日,格林威治标准时间 22:45 左右),以下是我在该query.results.channel.item.condition.date部分中得到的一些结果:

"date":"Fri, 13 Nov 2015 4:49 pm EST"
"date":"Thu, 12 Nov 2015 2:13 am EST"
"date":"Wed, 11 Nov 2015 1:49 am EST"
"date":"Fri, 13 Nov 2015 1:49 am EST"

这很连贯,当我每次发出请求时 API 返回随机日期的天气数据时,我应该如何获取这样的当前天气数据?




  • 我确实遇到了一个案例,它返回了 8 天前的数据!
  • 使用 YQL 的 SORT 功能并不能解决问题,因为排序是在选择请求的记录后应用的。
  • 今天(2015 年 11 月 25 日),我尝试了 20 多次刷新,似乎返回的数据总是正确的,看来问题已解决。

  • 2015 年 11 月 26 日,雅虎宣布问题已解决:感谢您的反馈。这个问题已被解决。请再次查看该网站。如果您仍然遇到此问题,请在此论坛上发布新想法。


3 回答 3




于 2015-11-21T00:51:52.423 回答

我多年来一直使用 Yahoo Weather API XML 格式,并在最近几周注意到这个新错误。我试图向https://developer.yahoo.com/weather/support报告该错误,但找不到 404 页面。如果等于当前日期,我决定解析返回的日期,如果不等于 re-call sub,则继续。这样我总能得到当前的天气,但不幸的是,这是很多不必要的流量/请求,也许 YDN 会意识到并修复。但无法报告我不知道。我知道这不是解决办法,而是创可贴,祝你好运!

Private Sub btnWeather_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnWeather.Click

    If InternetConnection() = False Then
        MsgBox("No internet connection!", vbExclamation, "Oops!")
        Exit Sub

        'MsgBox("Internet connection detected!", vbInformation, "Huray!")

        btnWeather.Enabled = False
        lblWorking.Text = "Working ..."
        tbTries.Text = "1"


            Dim t As New clsWeather(Format(Me.TxtBoxZIP.Text), "f")
            lblTodaysDate.Text = FormatDateTime(Now.Date, DateFormat.ShortDate)
            tbHigh.Text = t.high & "°"
            lblCity.Text = TxtBoxZIP.Text & " Weather "
            tbLow.Text = t.Low & "°"
            tbDay.Text = t.day
            tbDate.Text = t.date1
            tbCurrenttemp.Text = t.currenttemp & "°"
            tbCurrentCode.Text = t.currentcode
            tbForcastCode.Text = t.ForcastCode
            tbSunrise.Text = t.Sunrise
            tbSunset.Text = t.Sunset
            tbWind.Text = CInt(Val(t.Wind)) & " mph"
            tbHumidity.Text = CInt(Val(t.humidity))
            imgWeather.Image = Image.FromFile(t.GetImage)

            If t.currenttemp < 85 And t.currenttemp > 45 Then

                lblFeelsLike.Text = ""
                tbFeelsLike.Text = ""

            End If

            If t.currenttemp > 85 Then

                lblFeelsLike.Text = "Heat Index:"

                Dim Temp = t.currenttemp
                Dim RH = CInt(Val(t.humidity))

                tbFeelsLike.Text = (-42.379 + 2.04901523 * Temp) + (10.14333127 * RH) - (0.22475541 * Temp * RH) - (0.00683783 * Temp * Temp) - (0.05481717 * RH * RH) + (0.00122874 * Temp * Temp * RH) + (0.00085282 * Temp * RH * RH) - (0.00000199 * Temp * Temp * RH * RH)

                Dim num As Decimal = CType(tbFeelsLike.Text, Decimal)
                Me.tbFeelsLike.Text = String.Format("{0:n0}", num)
                tbFeelsLike.Text = tbFeelsLike.Text & "°"

            End If

            If t.currenttemp < 45 Then

                lblFeelsLike.Text = "Wind Chill:"
                tbFeelsLike.Text = CInt(Val(t.Chill)) & "°"

            End If

        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try

    End If

        Dim day As String = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd")
        If day = tbDate.Text = True Then
            tbDate1.Text = tbDate.Text
            btnWeather.Enabled = True
            lblWorking.Text = ""
            btnWeather_Click(sender, e)
            tbTries.Text = tbTries.Text + 1
        End If

End Sub
于 2015-11-18T01:38:22.713 回答

我有一个解决方法:重复调用 api,直到你得到一个有效的结果。这是我用来制作自己的自定义天气小部件的代码:(当您测试代码时,有时即使尝试 30 次,它也会返回不可用的数据!)

几天前,我还在#YDN 上发了推文,但没有得到任何回应。

var ydnwthr={};
var ydnStaleness=100000; //YDN weather api is f'ed up and returns stale data, so hammer it repeatedly and then test for data staleness
var abortydn=30; //abort after these many calls
var delayBetweencalls=200; //in milliseconds
var ydncounter=0;
var ydnInterval;
var apiquery=escape('select * from weather.forecast where woeid in (select woeid from geo.places(1) where text="lansing, mi")');
var ydnapiurl='https://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q='+apiquery+'&format=json&env='+escape("store://datatables.org/alltableswithkeys");
$(function() { 
   function markupWeather(){
     if(ydnStaleness>1.5) $("#weather").html('weather data not available..');
       /****************THIS IS WHERE YOU DO WHATEVER YOU WANT WITH THE "GOOD" ydnwthr OBJECT ***********/
      var wthrMarkup = "<div id='swHead'>" + ydnwthr.title.replace(/Conditions for | e[sd]t/ig,"") +  "<sub style='font-size:6pt;color:silver'>" +ydncounter+"</sub>"+"</div>";
  	  wthrMarkup += "<div id='swBody' title='updated:" + ydnwthr.pubDate + ". click for details'><div id='swBodyBg'></div><div id='swCurrent'>";
  	  wthrMarkup += ydnwthr.condition.text + ", " + ydnwthr.condition.temp +"&deg;</div></div>";
  	  $("#swBodyBg").css('background-image', 'url(' + /".*"/.exec(ydnwthr.description) + ')');
  	  for (i=0;i<5;i++){ //get 5 day weather and fit to container - (done without jquery for convenience)
  	   var el = document.createElement("div");
  	   el.innerText = ydnwthr.forecast[i].day.substr(0,2) + ": " + ydnwthr.forecast[i].text + ", " + ydnwthr.forecast[i].high + "/"+ ydnwthr.forecast[i].low;
  	   while(parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(el, null).getPropertyValue('height')) > 42) {
  		   var fontSize = parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle(el, null).getPropertyValue('font-size'));
  		   el.style.fontSize = (fontSize - 1) + 'px';
   }//end markupWeather
     if(ydnStaleness<=2 || ydncounter>=abortydn) {
	   ydnwthr = data.query.results.channel.item;
	   if(ydnwthr.pubDate) ydnStaleness=(new Date()-new Date(ydnwthr.pubDate))/3600000;
#weather {border:3px ridge silver;border-radius:5px;cursor:pointer;width:180px;font:10pt/28px arial,sans-serif}
  #swHead {background:#bddeff;font-weight:bold;text-align:center;border-bottom:1px solid silver}
  #swBodyBg{position:absolute;background-position:center;background-size:100px 100px;background-repeat:no-repeat;opacity: 0.5;height:100%;width:100%;z-index:-1}
  #swBody{margin:0px 3px;position:relative;}
  #swCurrent{padding:5px;font:bold 1.1em arial; width:100%;text-align:center}
<link href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.4.0/css/font-awesome.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="weather" 
  <i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin fa-2x" style="margin:40px 65px"></i>
  <div style="margin:30px">getting weather...</div>

于 2015-11-24T19:32:14.677 回答