许多实现(javascript、python 等)允许您将函数指定为替换参数。该函数通常将整个匹配的字符串、它在输入字符串中的位置以及捕获的组作为参数。此函数返回的字符串用作替换文本。
下面是使用 JavaScript 的方法:replace 函数将整个匹配的子字符串作为其第一个参数,捕获的组的值作为接下来的 n 个参数,然后是原始输入字符串和整个输入字符串中匹配字符串的索引.
var s = "this is a test. and this is another one.";
r = s.replace(/(this is) ([^.]+)/g, function(match, first, second, pos, input) {
console.log("matched :" + match);
console.log("1st group :" + first);
console.log("2nd group :" + second);
console.log("position :" + pos);
console.log("input :" + input);
return "That is " + second.toUpperCase();
console.log("replaced string is");
matched :this is a test
1st group :this is
2nd group :a test
pos :0
input :this is a test. and this is another one.
matched :this is another one
1st group :this is
2nd group :another one
pos :20
input :this is a test. and this is another one.
replaced string is
That is A TEST. and That is ANOTHER ONE.
这是 python 版本 - 它甚至为您提供每个组的开始/结束值:
import re
s = "this is a test. and this is another one.";
def repl(match):
print "matched :%s" %(match.string[match.start():match.end()])
print "1st group :%s" %(match.group(1))
print "2nd group :%s" %(match.group(2))
print "position :%d %d %d" %(match.start(), match.start(1), match.start(2))
print "input :%s" %(match.string)
return "That is %s" %(match.group(2).upper())
print "replaced string is \n%s"%(re.sub(r"(this is) ([^.]+)", repl, s))
matched :this is a test
1st group :this is
2nd group :a test
position :0 0 8
input :this is a test. and this is another one.
matched :this is another one
1st group :this is
2nd group :another one
position :20 20 28
input :this is a test. and this is another one.
replaced string is
That is A TEST. and That is ANOTHER ONE.