
I am trying to label objects in am image using Conditional Random Fields. But I am stuck understanding this formula. Can anyone tell me the meaning the terms of the formula and how to calculate them. I am using MS-COCO data set which has labelled images i.e I have segmented images.

Here Z(.)= partition function and P(ci | Sj)= Probability that Sj segment of Image I belongs to class ci and q= no of pairwise spatial relations.


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这实际上是c={c1,c2,...,ck}给定片段特征的图像片段标记的条件概率分布S={S1,S2,...,Sk}p(ci|Si)是将类别标签分配ci给段的概率i,可以使用逻辑回归、神经网络或 SVM 等各种分类器来计算。该术语B表示聚合成对函数,该函数确定每个相邻对{i,j}获取标签的可能性{ci,cj}。这个术语可以通过计算数据集中不同类对的共现统计来实现,在这篇论文中有详细描述: Object Categorization using Co-Occurrence, Location and Appearance

于 2015-12-07T13:32:04.930 回答