I'm trying to read an element from my xml file. I need to read an string in an "link" element inside the "metadata", but there are 2 elements called "link", I only need the second one:
<desc>February 18, 2015. Corn</desc>
<link href="http://snow.traceup.com/me?id=397760"/>
<link href="http://snow.traceup.com/stats/u?uId=397760&vId=1196854"/>
<keywords>Trace, text</keywords>
I need to read this line:
<link href="http://snow.traceup.com/stats/u?uId=397760&vId=1196854"/>
This is the working code for the first "link" tag, it works fine,
public string GetID(string path)
string id = "";
XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(path);
while (reader.Read())
if ((reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) && (reader.Name == "link"))
if (reader.HasAttributes)
id = reader.GetAttribute("href");
MessageBox.Show(id + "= first id");
return id;
//id = reader.ReadElementContentAsString();
return id;
Does anyone know how I can skip the first "link" element? or check if reader.ReadElementContentAsString() contains "Vid" or something like that?
I hope you can help me.