使用 msbuild runner 分析 .net 项目时,我不断收到此错误 - ### 更新数据库时出错。原因:com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException:无法在具有唯一索引“projects_uuid”的对象“dbo.projects”中插入重复的键行。重复键值为 (AVDyMY-5YwVQNVOkEEHa)。
676 次
1 回答
2008 (MSSQL Server 10.0) with bundled Microsoft JDBC driver. Express Edition is supported.
(tick) 2012 (MSSQL Server 11.0) with bundled Microsoft JDBC driver. Express Edition is supported.
(tick) 2014 (MSSQL Server 12.0) with bundled Microsoft JDBC driver. Express Edition is supported.
(warning) Collation must be case-sensitive (CS) and accent-sensitive (AS)
(info) Both Windows authentication (“Integrated Security”) and SQL Server authentication are supported. See the Microsoft SQL Server section in Installing page for instructions on configuring authentication.
于 2015-11-10T23:36:48.533 回答