I am trying to run Lync / S4B test commands through an automated script, currently I set up a command array like this:
$HealthCheckCoreCmdlets = @{
"AddressBookService" = "Test-CsAVConference -TargetFQDN $($fqdn)"
"AddressBookWebQuery" = "Test-CSAddressBookWebQuery -TargetFQDN $($fqdn)"
"ASConference" = "Test-CsASConference -TargetFQDN $($fqdn) -SenderSipAddress $($CTestUser1) -SenderCredential $($Cpass1) -ReceiverSipAddress $($CTestUser2) -ReceiverCredential $($Cpass2)"
"AVConference" = "Test-CsAVConference -TargetFQDN $($fqdn) "
"ClientAuthentication" = "Test-CsClientAuthentication -TargetFQDN $($fqdn) -UserSipAddress $($CTestUser1) -UserCredential $($Cpass1)"
"DataConference" = "Test-CsDataConference -TargetFQDN $($fqdn)"
"GroupExpansion" = "Test-CsGroupExpansion -TargetFQDN $($fqdn) -GroupEmailAddress $($CGroupEmail)"
"GroupIm" = "Test-CsGroupIm -TargetFQDN $($fqdn)"
"Im" = "Test-CsIm -TargetFQDN $($fqdn)"
"LisConfiguration" = "Test-CsLisConfiguration -TargetFQDN $($fqdn) -Subnet $($CSubnet) -UserSipAddress $($CTestUser1) -UserCredential $($Cpass1)"
"LocationPolicy" = "Test-CsLocationPolicy -TargetFQDN $($fqdn)"
"P2PAV" = "Test-CsP2PAV -TargetFQDN $($fqdn)"
"Presence" = "Test-CsPresence -TargetFQDN $($fqdn)"
"Registration" = "Test-CsRegistration -TargetFQDN $($fqdn)"
"Replica" = "`$testReplica = Test-CsReplica; if(`$testReplica -eq `$null){return 'Success'}else{return 'Failure'}"
"Topology" = "`$testtopology = Test-CsTopology; if(`$testtopology -eq `$null){return 'Success'}else{return 'Failure'}"
"UcwaConference" = "Test-CsUcwaConference -TargetFQDN $($fqdn)"
"WebApp" = "Test-CsWebApp -TargetFQDN $($fqdn)"
And I use Invoke-Expression to run the command:
foreach ($PSHCmdlet in $HealthCheckCoreCmdlets.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object Key)
Update-Status $PSHCmdlet.Key
$Corearray."$($PSHCmdlet.Key)" += (Get-CMDLetResult $PSHCmdlet.Value)
function Get-CMDLetResult ($Value) {
$CMDResult = (Invoke-Expression ("$($Value)"))
Return $CMDResult
And most commands work other than the ones that require a Get-Credential passed to them (I'm storing them in the above commands as $Cpass1 etc.) - I've tried passing the variable as: `$Cpass1 / $($Cpass1) / and just plain $Cpass1.
Can anyone point me on how I can pass this object through with the command to be invoked?