We are hosting our Scala and java code in git repo in vso and using maven tool to do continuous builds using build vnext. We use junit to write tests for Java code and scalatest for writings tests for Scala code. Our junit tests seem to be executed as part of build and results stored on vso but I don't see Scala tests being executed as part of build. They do executed when I run mvn package command locally, so I'm sure that the pom is correctly configured.

How to get scalatest based unit tests run as part of vso build?


1 回答 1


我想通了。我需要使用 junitrunner 来执行基于 scalatest 的单元测试,以便 VSO 可以检测到结果。以下是您需要如何注释测试类以使用 Junit 运行器。 http://www.scalatest.org/user_guide/using_junit_runner

于 2015-11-11T18:13:05.040 回答